Maxim Hartman criticizes fans Nikkie de Jager: ’12-year-old c*t girls’

RTL Boulevard star Maxim Hartman now also focuses on her young fans after insulting Nikkie de Jager. According to him, these are 12 to 15-year-old ‘c*t girls’. “They are retarded,” he says.


Maxim Hartman is against make-up and that is why he is disgusted by Nikkie de Jager, who makes a lot of content about facial decoration on her YouTube channel ‘NikkieTutorials’. The RTL Boulevard reporter vomits up there, he said earlier: “The worst thing is that she encourages women and non-binary beings to dress up as an ordinary Polish prostitute.”

Polish Ambassador

Maxim’s statements have brought him an incredible amount of criticism, but he can’t handle it well. For example, when approached by columnist Aaf Brandt Corstius, he shouted that her late father was a ‘t*ring dog’. He has now made all criticism of his statements invisible on Instagram.

Today Maxim quotes an old news item from 2020, which mentions that Nikkie will become ambassador of the United Nations. He captioned it: “Wow congratulations! Hopefully she can sit next to the Polish ambassador and will have to get up very early to do her make up. Seems to take at least 2.5 hours to get it all done.”

c*t girls

Again an ugly sneer about Nikkie’s appearance. “No hate! Only admiration for her dedication”, he says.

Then he focuses on the young fans of Nikkie: “A lot of hate to all the pussy girls aged 12 -15 (and there are a lot of them) who adore nikki and are retarded.”

Meanwhile, Maxim no longer allows comments on his Instagram account. “Comments are off for a while because only 1 is the absolute boss and that’s me!!”


Maxim’s latest Instagram post:
