Max Verstappen has the largest boats in the port of Monaco to choose with an increased salary | Sport

By Marijn Abbenhuijs

He is only twenty and five races underway in his third season as a Red Bull driver, when Max Verstappen points to a boat. ,,It costs 1.8”, he says. It’s a scene from the third episode of the first season of the Netflix series Drive to Survive† How young and brash the Dutchman still is, is apparent from several things in the episode about the Monaco Grand Prix. For example, he says that his mother is coming to do the laundry that weekend and he drives his car against the wall during training with all his urge to prove, so that he misses qualifying.

But what becomes clear at that moment is that ‘the big money’ is Verstappen’s foreshore. The fashionable seaside resort is already his hometown and he has already regularly dwelt on ‘boats on which you can get lost’.
