Max Verstappen flirts with the wall but nevertheless keeps Fernando Alonso from pole position | formula 1

With videoMax Verstappen has spectacularly taken pole position for the Monaco Grand Prix. With a great last lap, he beat Aston Martin driver Fernando Alonso on a circuit that Red Bull feared would not perform as well.

A crash by Sergio Pérez dominated the first session of qualifying at the Cote d’Azur. The Mexican took way too much speed into a corner and ended up hard in the wall. Just like last year, he caused a red flag in qualifying for the Monaco Grand Prix. Last year he took advantage of this himself, now he was nothing more than a victim of his own mistake. The number two in the world championship starts the grand prix on the narrow street circuit last.

It was a matter of survival for many drivers at the start. The pressure was on and with 20 cars on the short circuit the drivers encountered regular traffic as they attempted to set a fast time. Mercedes driver Lewis Hamilton and Ferrari driver Carlos Sainz needed a last-ditch effort to qualify for Q2.

And Nyck de Vries, who saw his AlphaTauri teammate Yuki Tsunoda set the second fastest time in the first session, also succeeded. The Dutchman could use a good result in qualifying more than ever after his disappointing start to the season. And he achieved his best result of the season in qualifying. With a neat last attempt, he was only 0.05 seconds short of reaching Q3 and can start the race from 12th place.

But the most important part of qualifying was of course the battle for pole position. And that it is more crucial in Monaco than anywhere else, Verstappen proved with his strategy. The Dutchman, still the victim of a red flag in Miami that prevented him from driving a fast lap, was the first to start Q3. However, he did not immediately drive a top lap, because both Fernando Alonso and both Ferraris were initially faster than him.

But the Dutchman immediately made another attempt, in which he did set the fastest lap. Surprisingly, that time was bettered shortly afterwards by Alpine driver Esteban Ocon. It earned the Frenchman a fourth place on the starting grid, as three top drivers were still under his time. Initially home driver Charles Leclerc. He was then narrowly beaten by Alonso.

Pole position, however, went to Verstappen. The Dutchman drove a spectacular last lap and dove under the time of the experienced Spaniard. His performance led to great joy at Red Bull, where they feared in advance that the team would be a lot less dominant on this particular track. But the world champion showed his class and will have the chance to drive from P1 to his second victory in Monaco.


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