Max Verstappen ‘curious about track updates’ in Australia | Motorsport

“I’m really looking forward to racing in Australia again, it’s been a while. The atmosphere is always so good there,” said Verstappen (24), who has never been the best in Melbourne. The Dutchman from Red Bull arrives as the number 3 in the standings in Australia for the third race of the season.

The Albert Park Circuit has undergone quite a metamorphosis. For example, many corners have been widened and a chicane has been removed from the circuit, with the aim of creating more overtaking opportunities. There are also no fewer than four DRS zones for the first time.

“It will be interesting to see the track updates, I think they will make a big difference. Especially in turn six, where the main change has taken place. There should now be more overtaking opportunities, which is always positive,” said the reigning world champion.

“It will be interesting to see how the car performs in Australia. The track can be quite dusty at times. I hope we have another smooth weekend as a team. Let’s see what happens on Sunday.”
