Max van der Pas boxing last match: ‘I couldn’t wish it better’

At the age of 29, Max van der Pas announces his retirement from boxing. In front of about 600 men he boxed his last match and managed to win it. “It was a fantastic farewell, I couldn’t wish it better,” said the Elsendorper in the program De Zuidtribune.

For Van der Pas this was his 244th game and despite his young age it is certainly not too early to stop.

“I boxed my first European Championship match with the seniors when I was 19,” he explains. “So I’ve been playing with the world top for a long time.” After such a long career, you have to know when it’s time to stop, according to the Elsendorper. “When the Olympic Games were postponed, and therefore my qualifying tournament, I knew it was time to stop.”

“All those blows to your head are not healthy either.”

The boxer who also competed for the Dutch team continues to think it’s a great sport. But after so many matches he also has to think about his health. “All those blows to your head are not healthy either,” he says with a laugh.

His last game was certainly not a pre-arranged trick. “No, I’ve always said that if I box a final match, it must be a real match.”

Van der Pas’ last match was against Irish boxer Christopher O’Reilly. The two have known each other for a long time and are good friends. “After the game we also just drank a coke and chatted. I agreed with him that I would come to Ireland to spar with him. That is really the last thing I do.”

“I’m glad I don’t have to keep lifting the weight anymore.”

Now the Elsendorper wants to focus on teaching. “I have a boxing school at my parents’ house where children can take lessons from an early age.”

Furthermore, Van der Pas will certainly remain active in the boxing world. “I organize a boxing tournament every two years. I will certainly be busy with that.” Now he is busy following the trainer’s training, but still stepping into the ring for a match? The boxer should not think about that.

One thing that Van der Pas will certainly not miss is losing weight. “Of course I boxed in the class up to 75 kilograms, he explains. “I’m glad I don’t have to keep getting the weight anymore.” The boxer always found that tough during his career. Now he can enjoy himself at home together with wife and child.” That’s wonderful, just being at home in Brabant.”

READ ALSO: Boxer is tested for coronavirus before he can qualify for the Olympics
