Mauro Guillén, recently appointed president of the Princess of Asturias Foundation, resigns for health reasons

10/17/2022 at 17:36


The Foundation’s Board of Trustees meets on Wednesday to decide on the new successor to Fernández-Vega

Mauro Guillen Rodriguezelected just a few months ago as new president of the Princess of Asturias Foundationa position in which he was going to relieve Luis Fernández-Vega, He informed the Foundation this Monday of his resignation from said presidency due to a sudden illness.

In a communication expressly addressed to President Luis Fernández-Vega, Mauro Guillén points out the “high honor” that his appointment had entailed and the “joy and pride” with which he had received that trust. However, he adds, “at this time, I am forced to inform you, much to my regret, of my resignation for unexpected health reasons. This circumstance prevents me from devoting to the exercise of the position of president the time and dedication that I had committed and that it requires”.

Guillén Rodríguez, dean and professor of Business Administration at the Judge Business School of the University of Cambridge, adds the regret that “writing these lines” has caused him, and reiterates his gratitude to the Princess of Asturias Foundation while communicating that ” I have transferred this situation to His Majesty the King, to whom I have once again renewed my loyalty, affection and gratitude”. “As usual, I will continue to lend, as far as possible, my support to the Foundation that I love so much”, concludes the sociologist, political economist and management educator, who had received his appointment with great enthusiasm and who was scheduled to begin his term in December 2022.

For his part, the president of the Foundation, Luis Fernández-Vega, expressed his “total support and understanding of Mauro Guillén’s decision”, thanking him for his integrity and commitment to the values ​​of the institution, while He wished him a speedy recovery. Mauro F. Guillén Rodríguez (León, 1964) has been a member of the jury of the Princess of Asturias Award for Social Sciences since 2011 and of the Board of Trustees of the Princess of Asturias Foundation since 2015, which is why he added to his professional prestige, to relieve Fernández -Vega, a great adherence to the institution.

To deal with the situation that arises, the Foundation has called an extraordinary meeting of its Board of Trustees for Wednesday, October 19, in which the person who will succeed the current president, Luis Fernández-Vega Sanz, will be chosen from among its members. having reached the age limit of seventy years established by the Statutes of the institution for the exercise of the position.
