Mauricio Macri’s “Fast and Furious” plan in 10 maxims

So that”, the new book of Mauricio Macri which follows his “Primer Tiempo”, with a review of his 4 years in the presidency, will go on sale next October 18. Edited by Planeta and under the coordination of the former Minister of Culture, Paul Avellutothe text works as a roadmap for the “Second time”, as advertised on its cover.

And some of the maxims that he would apply if he returns to the presidency, and in which other referents of Together for Change who could also be candidates agree. Without the gradualism of his previous four years. Mauricio Macri now pose a fast and furious plan which includes a strong adjustment of the State, cut plans and subsidies, and even privatizations. These are the definitions left by “Why”.

Gradualism. “I have already written that gradualism was the product of our weakness and not of our vocation. The next government will be stronger and its strength will require that the structural reforms be sanctioned in the first hours. Poverty and unemployment cannot wait.”

Adjustment. “The drastic reduction of public spending should be among the initial measures. The legacy of Kirchnerism will be an elephantine state, clumsy and inefficient. Each ministry, each area, each public department must promote all the reductions that are urgently and immediately necessary.”

plans. “In terms of social policies, one of the areas that has grown the most during our government, we must put an end to the extortionists of social peace forever. Those who contribute this help with their work and effort must be able to monitor what each peso is spent or invested on.”

social leaders. “We will have to rethink, society and its leaders, the policy regarding road and road closures. In the second half we will finish with the managers of poverty. The parasitic intermediation in aid distribution has to end”.

Unemployment. “Those who receive solidarity aid from the rest of the Argentines should know that its duration in time will be limited. They must be trained to be able to enter the formal labor market as quickly as possible.”

Labour reform. “We must have the courage to immediately put an end to obsolete legislation on labor, union, social security and tax matters. It is another of my learnings in the presidency. What is not done from the outset is very likely to never be done”.

Imports. “Our industries have to know that their time to be competitive is coming to an end. The new government will not be in a position to continue defending protectionism at the expense of consumers’ pockets”.

Exports. “We must build an open economy and take advantage of the opportunities we have in the world for our products, without this translating into subsidies paid by all taxpayers. Together for Change must return to power with the aim of building true capitalism in Argentina”.

Red circle. “At the end of the day, the red circle says they want all the reforms except for one: the one that affects their interests. The second half is going to demand a lot from society. But those efforts will only make sense if the elites, those who have benefited in a country that has become impoverished, are capable of making an even greater effort than the rest of the Argentines. The listening that I have written about, between society and its leaders, has to be permanent”.

Green shoots. “Even with a 180-degree turn in economic policy, the world will logically want to see first with its own eyes the sustainability and genuine commitment of the new government. There will be no new investments in our country until we have been able to show that the change is definitive and cannot be reversed”.

by RN

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