Maurice Steijn starts at Ajax with a difficult draw against FC Den Bosch | Dutch football

Ajax has drawn the first exhibition match of the season against FC Den Bosch: 2-2. At the debut of the new head coach Maurice Steijn, the team from Amsterdam trailed 2-0, but the Amsterdam youth players came back in the second half.

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The match was also marked by Edwin van der Sar. The 52-year-old former director and former goalkeeper of the club ended up in intensive care on Friday during his holiday in Croatia due to a cerebral hemorrhage and is still in a worrying condition in the hospital in Split. Before the game, the players of Ajax all entered the field with a goalkeeper shirt with Van der Sar’s name on it.

With Davy Klaassen, Steven Berghuis and debutant Branco van den Boomen as well-known names in the team, Ajax fell behind early on. Goalkeeper Remko Pasveer shot the ball against an FC Den Bosch attacker, after which the ball immediately bounced into the goal.

In the second half, Steijn opted for eleven other, mainly youthful players. After a goal against from a corner kick, Gabriel Misehouy and David Kalokoh still managed to tie the score in a warm Amsterdam. The internationals only join the number three of last season later.

Maurice Steijn in conversation with Steven Berghuis. © Pim Ras Photography
