Maturity 2022: the traces of the first test, the Italian theme. The authors speak

The authors of the works under examination speak. Liliana Segre: “I didn’t expect it”. Giorgio Parisi: “One of my best speeches” the one on science as beacons in the night. Bruno Mastroianni: “We made it big”

The most surprised seems to be Senator Lilliana Segre: “I did not expect to end up in the subject of Maturity”. And instead his “The only guilt of being born”, a dialogue on justice written with Gherardo Colombo, inspires one of the themes of the state exam, which began this morning. The proudest is Giorgio Parisi: the Nobel Prize in Physics defines “one of my best speeches” the one that the Ministry has chosen for another of the seven tracks and that he indicated the sciences as “beacons in the night”. Finally, the most amused is Bruno Mastroianni, communication expert: “We made it big”, he wrote to Vera Gheno, the colleague with whom he signed “Keep it on: post, comment, share without turning off your brain”, more an idea offered to young people to reflect on hyper-connection. And the other themes? Pascoli or Verga (“The most popular authors on the eve”, compliments, or a text taken by Oliver Sacks, “Musicofilia”, with a reasoning on the power that music has on human beings. Finally, a text by lawyer Luigi Ferrajoli, “Why a Constitution of the Earth?”, Was submitted to the graduates for a reflection on Covid.


In short, no Ukraine, no historical recurrences, neither Giovanni Falcone nor Pier Paolo Pasolini – to cite some of the possible ideas indicated in the forecast on the eve – even if, among the children intercepted out of high school, the reactions are dissonant. There are those who speak of “trivial traces, even the professors were disappointed” (Federica, Turin), or of “clear, understandable, not particularly difficult topics” (Francesco, Palermo), while “when I saw Verga I breathed a sigh of relief, I had just come back this morning “, explains Mario di Napoli. Even the minister Patrizio Bianchi, omnipresent in these days, wanted to say about him: “They were traces that allow all children, regardless of their studies, to express themselves and tell their path”.


And Covid? In the exam that restored the writing after two years and considered the mask only recommended, the cases of the Venice commission entirely positive (but alternated in time) and maturands who will take the supplementary tests of 6-7 July appear. For the others, second written tomorrow and oral from Monday. Then, holidays. And since everything makes broth, the mayor of the municipality of San Mauro Pascoli (Forlì Cesena), Luciana Garbuglia, rejoices at the track on the great poet and remembers: “In 2019 we opened a new innovative multimedia museum, which allows an immersion in poetry pascoliana in an original way “. In the face of those who consider the Maturity “useless”.
