Mattie Valk is shocked by Yvonne Coldeweijer: ‘Stop this!’

Mattie Valk urges Yvonne Coldeweijer not to go public with juice about his penultimate breakup. “Children are also confronted with this.”

© RTL, YouTube

The private life of Mattie Valk is currently in the news because he himself announced on the radio yesterday that his relationship has come to an end. Yvonne Coldeweijer wrote something about that on her juice channel yesterday and suddenly she got juice about his penultimate breakup, namely that with Kirsten Willemstein in 2016.

‘You lied’

Mattie turned out to his amazement at the time not to be the biological father of ‘their’ newborn twins, after which the relationship was broken. Yvonne now has juice about that: “I DMed Mattie and approached his management with four questions for adversarial purposes. To be continued.”

She wrote to him early this morning, during his radio show on Qmusic: “Hi Mattie, I now have ten sources and I will tell you this afternoon that you lied. It’s not fair what you did to Kirsten. Of course I still want to take your comment on board. You can do this up to 1 pm via Instagram or e-mail.”

Matt responds

The big star of Qmusic now responds to Yvonne. He publishes in his Insta stories the message he sent to Yvonne: “Hi Yvonne, we are shocked that we are being forced to respond to this situation from years ago. Let’s make sure that we are in good harmony with each other.”

He continues: “That is why we are writing this on behalf of both of us. Moreover, this situation is not only about the two of us, but also about children who are confronted with it. Everything has been discussed. We therefore urge you to stop doing this. Kirsten & Mattie.”

What does Yvonne do?

What will Yvonne do now? She writes on her juice channel: “I received a response from Mattie a few minutes ago. Because I would like to include his reaction, I am still waiting for answers to a number of questions and will therefore publish a little later.”
