“Mattie Valk-dirt is not gossip, it is a hard media lie”

The damage is not too bad for Mattie Valk. Although Yvonne Coldeweijer has released a shocking story about him, he is spared by RTL Boulevard. “However, this is not gossip!”


Mattie Valk can breathe a sigh of relief: the information that Yvonne Coldeweijer has released about him is shocking, but not massively picked up by major show media such as RTL Boulevard and Shownieuws. According to the juice queen, Boulevard had initially written an article about it, but it was quickly removed.

twin lie

How is that possible? After all, Yvonne finds the lies that Mattie would have told about his twin drama so intense that she has described him as a ‘disgustingly bad person’. Is the story too much in the gossip atmosphere to get a big stage from the major show media?

Unjustly, says the renowned media journalist Mark Koster in the program Mischa! on NPO Radio 1. Presenter Mischa Blok describes the Mattie juice as gossip. Mark, the co-host of Yvonne’s podcast, insists: “I don’t think that’s gossip. I will tell you why, because that is a media lie.”

‘Greatly cheated’

Mark thinks Mattie is a bad boy. “If you, as Mattie Valk, take a stage at Qmusic, send a letter and have it read by your buddy Wietze. That you say you are so incredibly happy with those twins, you walk around with them in a T-shirt, half of the Netherlands embraces you. And seven years later it turns out that those twins are not yours and that you knew that.”

He continues: “Then we have just been grossly cheated, aren’t we? That has nothing to do with gossip at all. That has to do with how the media industry, Qmusic, participates in this. Or maybe participate in committee, maybe they don’t know. But I find that interesting.”

‘This is a fact’

We shouldn’t pretend that the Mattie juice is just some gossip, says Mark. “That’s not gossip, that’s a fact. This is certain.”

Mischa: “Yes, because Mattie Valk couldn’t have children of her own.”

Mark: “Exactly, but Mattie Valk does take the stage with a t-shirt from: Real Men Make Twins or something, pretends to be his children all the time. And then after a while he says, “Yeah, I found out it’s not mine after all.” So that man takes a podium twice.”

Mischa: “But how can you be so sure that the story really happened like that?”

Mark: “Because there are ten sources.”

‘He doesn’t say anything!’

According to Mark, it says enough that Mattie does not debunk the story. “Mattie Valk has been asked ‘gvd’ to comment on this. He says nothing. He just says, ‘Do you want to stop doing this?’”

Mischa: “But if someone doesn’t contradict it, is it true?”

Mark: “It’s a very serious allegation, isn’t it? If they were to say it about you, you’d say, “That’s total nonsense!” What would you do then?”

He points out Mattie’s second ‘lie’, about the break up with his girlfriend at the time. The reason behind that, according to Yvonne, is sickening.

Media lie

All in all, Mark no longer wants to hear that this story is a gossip. “I fight that. I dispute that this is gossip. I say this has been an incredible media lie that the whole country has fallen for twice. The first time he said he had twins. And the second time, he said those twins weren’t his. The story is that he already knew!”

He concludes: “It matters that Q-music twice as a fat tearjerker has been deployed, and that is what the radio station is based on. (…) Dotan by de Volkskrant is interesting, is investigative journalism. Mattie Valk at Yvonne Coldeweijer is gossip. That is very interesting. Very interesting.”
