Mattie and Wietze reunited for Ukraine: ‘Leave the past behind us’ | Stars

The men broke up with an argument in 2017. The DJs would switch to Sky Radio together, but Valk signed a new contract with Qmusic without telling De Jager. De Jager has been working for Radio 538 since 2018.

Valk thinks Monday is ‘a special moment’, he said on Thursday in the morning show of Qmusic† “We were asked this and we both immediately said yes. We thought this was a good moment to put the past behind us.” The situation in Ukraine also puts things that have happened “in perspective”, according to Valk. “So we shake hands and raise as much money as possible for Ukraine.”

De Jager says he would like to put aside everything that has happened for charity. “We are going to make two hours of fun radio together on Monday to raise as much money as possible for the victims of the conflict in Ukraine. It’s not about us right now, it’s about charity. That’s what we do it for. With this we show that we form a unity and that we all do this together.”
