Mattie and Marieke oversleep for a Qmusic morning show

What happened there? The two give text and explanation.

playful experiment

As an experiment, the two radio DJs decided earlier this week not to set their alarm clocks today. They were curious to what extent they have developed a natural alarm clock and would wake up on time on their own. They both had quite a bit of faith in that. A little too much confidence, as it turned out this morning.

No alarm set

Marieke’s alarm clock normally goes off at 4.40 am. She was confident that she would wake up on time even without an alarm clock, thanks to her cat. “If only because I have a natural alarm clock: Kiki”, Marieke said optimistically.

A little too optimistic

Mattie also thought he would succeed: “I always wake up a few minutes before the alarm, so I’m just there Friday at 6 am.” Nothing was further from the truth: he only entered the studio at 6.54 am. So almost an hour late. But a lot earlier than Marieke.

Way too late

Marieke wasn’t there until 9.19 am, more than three hours late! Fortunately, Tom from the Intercom, Joe Intern from the Show and Anne-Marie, who also participated in the experiment, were on time and were able to take over the show until then.

Another special promotion: next Monday Mattie and Wietze will be together again on the radio for Radio555. Read all about it here.