Matthijs van Nieuwkerk seems to be a real grabber: Angela knows witnesses

Matthijs van Nieuwkerk can deny whatever he wants, but according to Angela de Jong he really seems to have grabbed someone by the throat. “I’ve spoken to a lot of people who have seen this.”


Matthijs van Nieuwkerk’s TV comeback at RTL 4 has been nipped in the bud. The latest revelations about his misconduct at DWDD – including allegedly grabbing someone by the throat and pushing him against the wall – have devastated him. The presenter himself denies it, but even Özcan Akyol no longer believes in him.

At the throat

Angela de Jong thinks Matthijs’ denial has little value. “Yes, I think that’s very easy to say, but I don’t really believe that now. If you insist that you have not done this, then you file a report. Period,” she says in the AD Media podcast. But the presenter does not dare to do that…

Colleague Dennis Jansen finds it strange. “If someone says to me: ‘You grabbed Angela de Jong by the throat and I didn’t do it’, then you will go to the highest judiciary.”

Good for monkey

According to the AD, several former DWDD employees recognize themselves in the throat grabbing incident. “It will be quite difficult to deny this,” says media journalist Marcus den Blanken.

Podcast host Manuel Venderbos: “But then I understand that he is not going to start a lawsuit, because if he loses it, he will of course be a complete fool.”

Angela knows them

Angela knows people who have seen this, she then says. “Well, I think he already knows what’s true. I’ve spoken to too many people who have seen this that I don’t really doubt Suzanne Kunzeler’s words, if I’m being completely honest.”

The opinion diva is so done with Matthijs. “If he really cares about the employees, as he suggests, then he would not have done business with RTL when there was no report yet. And then, I think, he would have done even more.”


Matthijs seems to be mainly concerned with his own rehabilitation, says Angela. “Otherwise he would not have tried to sway public opinion in an interview with NRC by taking nice photos with his dog. Yeah, you know… I just don’t really care for that.”

It is not about Matthijs, she decides. “The employees themselves have always had the feeling over the past year: everything revolves around Matthijs, still does, and we are just hanging in there.”
