Matthijs van Nieuwkerk scores million viewers with new quiz on Saturday evening | show

In The Connection three celebrities compete against each other and try to find the connection between multiple answers. During the episode, there was quite a bit of surprise on social media that Van Nieuwkerk presented a game program. Some thought he’d be better off sticking to talk shows and music programs. What was also striking was that the presenter often shouted ‘type it up’ to candidates Pieter Derks, Alex Ploeg and Ronald Snijders.

A new quiz also started on RTL 4 on Saturday evening. The 1% Quizpresented by Tijl Beckand, scored less well with 740,000 viewers than The Connection† That number is good for seventh place in the top 25. Big winner of the evening was Until Here (NPO 1) with more than 1.7 million viewers. In it, among other things, the Nokia use of Prime Minister Mark Rutte was ridiculed.

The Connection was the second new program this week from Van Nieuwkerk that started. On Thursday he presented the music show together with Ilse DeLange Pop22† In it, Dutch musicians are offered a stage to share their music with a large audience. With 605,000 interested, the viewing figures were somewhat disappointing. TV-columnist Angela de Jong ruled, on the other hand, that the NPO should ignore those figures and immediately order an entire season.

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