Matthäus warns Nagelsmann of problems

With three wins from three games and a goal difference of plus 14, FC Bayern made the best start to the Bundesliga of all time. According to record national player Lothar Matthäus, Munich can hardly be stopped, but the wide squad could become a problem.

“An exciting championship fight this season? No! Because Leipzig, Dortmund and Leverkusen are a few points behind Bayern after just three match days? Yes, too. But the main reason is Bayern themselves,” wrote Matthäus in his “sky“-Column.

FC Bayern have “basically reinvented themselves,” said the 61-year-old, “because the last ten championships were more or less in the 4-2-3-1 system. Now, with the departure of Lewandowski and the Buying Mané the opportunity to play his favorite 4-2-2-2.”

So far, the German record champions have impressed above all with their enthusiasm and absolute dominance. “Bayern criticized me for my squad criticism last year and were often angry,” Matthäus looked back and added: “Now they have strengthened themselves wonderfully in all parts of the team and the result is impressive.”

Matthew warns Nagelsmann

Matthäus therefore does not see serious competition for Bayern.

“Dortmund also bought well, the squad from Leverkusen and Leipzig is also very good,” wrote Matthäus, but qualified: “One lacks the leader, the other regularly lacks the mentality when things don’t go so well and the third does Possession of the ball, but doesn’t do anything about it. And so everyone has their problems except Bayern.”

However, there could be problems on Säbener Strasse if some of the pros in the Munich squad are dissatisfied with their playing times. “The champion just has to make sure that everyone stays in a good mood. Yes, when it comes to the semi-finals in the Champions League in March, Nagelsmann has to see who he lets play and maybe explain a little more,” warned Matthäus: “But until then you have to hope that no one gets seriously injured and enjoy.”
