Matthäus praises: That’s why Dortmund is Bayern’s number one pursuer

Alongside FC Bayern, BVB is the only Bundesliga club to have won its first two games of the season. That says nothing, but the way the black and yellow presented themselves against Leverkusen and Freiburg made an impression. Among other things, with Lothar Matthäus, who has a lot of confidence in Dortmund this year.

Matthäus said on Sunday at “sky 90“.

As an example, he cited the game on matchday one against Bayer Leverkusen. “It wasn’t a nice game, but everyone held their own,” said the record national player, praising Dortmund’s attitude in the narrow 1-0 win against the Werkself.

With Nico Schlotterbeck, Niklas Süle and Salih Özcan, BVB have also signed some “mentality players”. A category that Matthew also included Jude Bellingham and Donyell Malen. Malen, for example, is playing differently this season than last year, “with more self-confidence,” judged Matthäus, who explained: “I have confidence in Dortmund.”

Matthäus: BVB is Bayern’s number one pursuer

Matthäus could not and did not want to reveal how much he believed Borussia Dortmund could do. For this he said: “If one can speak of pursuers at all, I think that Dortmund is Bayern’s number one pursuer. Because they still have a lot to do.”

In the eyes of the record national player, BVB has solved the actually unsolvable Haller situation well. With Anthony Modeste’s last-minute signing, “a good compromise was found. You have someone you know who scores goals,” praised Matthäus.

All in all, “some things have changed at Borussia Dortmund this year that I haven’t necessarily seen in the last two years,” the “Sky” expert emphasized the development of the black and yellow.
