Matilda Castren buys a house in Texas, USA

Matilda Castren moves to Texas.

Matilda Castren invests her tournament winnings in a new home. Tomi Natri / AOP

Golf star Matilda Castren, 28, will make her dream come true in March when she moves into her own home in the United States.

GoGolf website in the interview, Castren says that he is her common-law husband Daniel Moreno with close to purchasing a home in Austin, Texas.

Austin is home to nearly a million people and is the capital of Texas.

The reason for the move is Moreno’s work situation. The man works for the United States Marine Corps, and his next duty station is in Texas. Previously, the couple lived in California.

Castren has been playing on the LPGA tour since November 2019 and has earned a total of $1.28 million, or approximately €1.20 million, in 52 tournaments.

Nevertheless, buying an apartment seems crazy to him.

– A few years ago, I could not have imagined that I would be able to afford to buy a house in the USA. In that respect, life has changed significantly, says Castren in an interview with GoGolf.

– I was already in Austin inspecting the available apartments. I found a couple of really good ones. Offers are made and other matters related to the move are worked on.

Castren and Moreno plan to expand their family in the coming years. The golf star says that her career on the LPGA tour will not necessarily continue for more than five years.
