Mati and Tepo’s dream 30 years ago came true

Matti and Teppo say that an increasingly younger generation has found their music. One reason for this is the successful collaboration with Portion Boys.

– Even though we are already at this age, we try to be an eternal brotherly cult.

The pace of the duo Matti and Teppo has literally accelerated on the eve of the gig summer. The duo has gained a popularity with an increasingly younger audience with the Portion Boys The pace is accelerating with the joint.

– Show on and there’s enough! Luckily we are in good shape to be able to do gigs and spontaneously give the group good luck, that’s what we’re expected to do, Checkmate72, says in an interview with Iltalehti.

Teppo, 74, continues that the emotional scale in those over 70 is already quite.

– Sometimes thinks that a joke when you get tired but there has always been enough energy on stage. When I get an adrenaline rush at a gig, I suddenly find that I’m on my knees there on stage. Then he limps into a hotel room and thinks about the next gig, he laughs.

Matti and Teppo take care of their gig condition with long walks and the rest days between gigs are dedicated to rest. The brothers say they have also nurtured healthy lifestyles throughout their lives.

– Our story requires that we have to put our bodies in the game at gigs, Matti sums up.

After a celebration tour in 2019, Mati and Tepon were supposed to slow down. The last concert of the tour was heard in Helsinki at that time on December 15th. Coincidentally, the timing was good, as only a few months later the corona pandemic completely silenced the music industry.

– Fortunately, there is a sock on the sock, especially after the celebration tour. We haven’t been to the lyric, they both say.

Emmi Moilanen

The successful collaboration with Portion Boys came at just the right time, and Teppo will make the appointment The pace is accelerating re-version of the song as a “corona killer song.” Portion Boysin Mikael Forsby approached the duo early last year. Although Mati and Tepo were not already familiar with the line-up, after a little background work, there was no need to think for a moment.

– When Mikael suggested this song and sent a demo, we were immediately sold. We knew that now the song would be what we …

– We missed it then, Teppo concludes the sentence by referring to the time the original song appeared.

The pace is accelerating was released in 1989. The song has lasted a long time and according to the brothers it has always been popular with the younger fan base as well. In spite of everything, Matti and Teppo already knew 33 years ago that the song would have missed “something else.” Last year, the duo’s idea finally came true.

– Even when we did the original song, we thought that there would be a little more kick here. This could go even stronger, Teppo recalls.

– It was a bit lazy back then, this new version is really cannonball. Now let’s go and press hard, Matti praises.

As has been said, the collaboration has brought new listeners to Mati and Tepo again. The hit song has taken off, especially on the social media side – although the duo themselves don’t wear something at all. Teppo points out that The pace is accelerating has been a “hard word,” especially in TikTok.

– We just got 27 pictures of us somewhere in preschool. There’s a wall full of Matt and Teppo.

“Now we have suddenly become party people,” Matti and Teppo sum up the twists and turns of their busy careers. Emmi Moilanen

The effects are also visible at gigs, as the younger generation celebrates and sings throughout the gig.

– Once again, we have noticed that the average age has dropped quite a bit at gigs. I, too, began to think for a moment, no matter how old I am. Oh yeah, 74, Teppo smiles.

– At some point we have danced their grandmothers and priests, he continues, referring to the young audience.

His career of more than 50 years has taken many turns.

– We have had this wonderful career when we started and came Cat gold, we were humppa brothers. After that, the rocking started and came There is a woman behind everything. Now we have suddenly become party people, Teppo says.

Duo or solo?

Music has always united the brothers, right from the bench of the music college, and to the general public, Matti and Teppo are an inseparable duo. However, Teppo reveals that the duo could have become a solo project in the early stages of their careers. Where did Mati and Tepo’s success really start?

– Matti would have done well alone. After all, our story started from the fact that I always came from somewhere and was in the chorus, then I went back to the side, Teppo recalls.

The division of labor between the brothers has always been clear and Matti in particular has trusted in his vision.

– The artist needs to have a business acumen and a perspective on the whole thing, how things should be done. It’s not enough to just sing and do gigs. Teppo has trusted me from the beginning. There is controversy about something, of course, but it has been such a small thing. That instinct has been a pretty deciding factor that things have gone well.

Mati’s and Tepo’s new album Ollaan il teen also has the duo’s own remake of the “Speed ​​is accelerating” hit. Emmi Moilanen

Mati and Tepo are doing better than well again. There is no information about slowing down the pace, as Matti says that the brothers are now investing in the summer gigs to the fullest. Fresh Let’s be like before album was released in early June. The collaboration with Portion Boys will also continue as long as both bands have their gig summer package.

– It would have been taken the first time, but now there is demand again everywhere. No matter how much work. We have another stage ahead of us that we didn’t even expect it to be so insane. It just opened all of a sudden!

– When you see the fans in the front row of the gig, it’s pretty nice to party it all night with them, Teppo concludes.
