Math was on time, but doctors warn of abdominal aneurysm | 1Limburg

Because Math Schouteten heard after his father’s treatment that an abdominal aneurysm can be hereditary, he himself was treated on time at his own. But often treatment comes too late because an aneurysm develops undetected.

That is why vascular surgeons are going to alert South Limburgers to the dangers in a special bus. Why in South Limburg? Because cardiovascular diseases are more common there than in the rest of the country. An abdominal aneurysm is a weak abdominal artery that can lead to a fatal rupture. Every year about 350 Dutch people die as a result.

But according to the Zuyderland hospital, awareness of the risk factors ensures that this number decreases. That’s why doctors take to the streets. Wednesday was the kick-off at the Market in Sittard. “The most important thing is that you learn to recognize the signals of an aneurysm. I didn’t notice anything physically, but the genetic link with my father kept me alert,” says Schouteten. Who also went to the market to share his story.

Development not noticeable
An aneurysm usually develops over the course of 10 to 20 years and patients often do not notice it. In general, an abdominal aneurysm does not cause any complaints, but according to the specialists, a rupture can have major consequences. The disease can be detected by ultrasound.

Male Over 65s
In addition to cardiovascular disease, smoking, older age (65+), high blood pressure, arteriosclerosis, hereditary predisposition and gender – mainly men – are also factors that increase the risk of an abdominal aneurysm. “I was shocked, because before you can be treated, your heart and lungs must be in good order. I smoked for fifty years, but the doctor miraculously saw nothing of it,” said Schouteten.

First Heerlen then other countries
On Thursday, the vascular surgeons will take the bus to Pancratiusplein, after which they will travel on to other countries in Europe.
