Mate del loco: How is it done and how is it avoided?

The fastest checkmate that exists is the mate of the two movesbetter known as the Fool’s Mateis referred to as the ‘crazy‘ because White must play the game extremely badly, like he’s crazy.

you have to play with black to get this done mate; as in all positions Chessthe madman’s mate has variations and it is estimated that there is a total of eight. A total of 2 moves to do it: White should start with Pawn of F and move one or two squares, black They must answer by playing the Pawn of and giving way to the Lady, white they must play g4 Y black must end with Qh4 checkmate.

This is the most famous variant of the madman’s mate but there are also others such as reversing the movement of pawns of white and start with Pawn of g.

Two-Move Checkmate

It’s very difficult to get your opponent to do these kinds of moves, but you never know when the white may have an oversight, in that case we will have to be attentive to punish him with checkmate.
