Master in Private Banking: two scholarships for girls

StThey are still few, very few. At the first edition of the Master AIPB (Italian Private Banking Association) in Private Banking & Wealth Management, the participants were only 4 out of 30. In the second, two out of 21. And instead there would be a great need: «Young women don’t know the sector and consider it unattractive. Think that the participants in the Masters immediately found work. The operators push for them, they are highly appreciated for their ability to listen and care for the customer» says Antonella Massari, general secretary of AIPB.

An image of the previous edition of the AIPB Master. very few girls participating.

To promote the inclusion of young women, AIPB with the collaboration of BlackRock promotes two scholarships worth 10,000 euros each to fully cover the enrollment fee for the third edition of the Master’s degree. Applications must be sent by 31 December by email to [email protected] indicating the CV, a detailed list of exams, an abstract of the master’s thesis, a reference letter from a teacher and a motivational letter.

«The Master in Private Banking consists of 9 months of overall commitment, of which the first three of classroom or remote lessons with university professors but above all operators, plus another 6 of paid internships in one of the sponsor companies. We combine theory and practice to try to get young people into it. There has been a generational turnover of customers, need a replacement among the operators» says Antonella Massari.

Master in Private Banking: 90% of participants find a place

To work in Private Banking you need «multidisciplinary skills», he continues. «We take the financial ones for granted, but in addition we need, for example, the relational ones: knowing how to make difficult topics understandable, understanding the emotional reactions of customers when they perhaps make wrong choices, talking about delicate topics in certain phases of life. It is important that there is empathy, a quality that is more developed in girls. Today consultants are only 23%, a percentage that unfortunately does not grow. We are trying to move these numbers, there is a great need. Of course, we have to admit that the gender pay gap is still present, but times are changing and there is more awareness in the banks. That’s why with BlackRock we thought we’d give a little boost to deserving girls, the professionals of tomorrow”.

If the deadline for applications for scholarships is the end of December (the winners will be named by February 3, 2023), there is time until January 31st for enrollments in the Masters. To apply for the scholarships, you must have a master’s degree in Economics, Management Engineering, Mathematical Engineering, Statistical Sciences and Law with a minimum grade of 99/110, certified knowledge of English, and be born in 1995 onwards.

The Master will start with classroom and streaming lessons on March 1st until May 26th, with the contribution of 150 speakers: the topics will be Asset Management, Private Insurance, Alternative and Sustainable Investments, then Wealth Management, Regulation, Tax and Legal, Digital Wealth Management, Fintech, Web 3.0 but also transversal topics such as Behavior Finance, Critical Thinking and Neuroscience Approach. The guaranteed and paid internships will start from 5 June. 90 percent of participants in the first two editions found a job after the internship.


