Massimiliano Gallo, who is the actor of Malinconico: life and wife

THEL role of the lawyer Vincenzo Melinconicosays Massimiliano Gallo, “I sewed it on myself”. With the care of a superfine couturier, one could say. Awarded by ratings and criticsthat of the lawyer semi-unemployed, semi-divorced and a bit of a philosopher created by Diego Da Silva (in 7 novels), is a great test for the Neapolitan actor. Not that there is need to point this out, since Gallo has been acting, more or less, in theater, television and cinema since he was 5 years old. But if in the theater he has always taken his satisfaction, on TV he had always remained a supporting actor. At least until the moment, in the wake of the success of Imma Tataranni (where she plays her husband Pietro), the lawyer Melancholy has not arrived.

Gallo’s story is that of a good and passionate actor who has shown his skill. Step by step. And here he is, at 54, conquer the first ever starring role in Vincenzo Malinconico, unsuccessful lawyer, Rai 1 series produced by Rai Fiction and Viola Film. The actor gives his subtle irony to the lawyer devoted to a life without ambitions, a slightly clumsy man who is better at philosophizing than solving his problems.

Who is Massimiliano Gallo

Born in 1968, the youngest of four children, Gallo was born immersed in art. The father was Nunzio Gallo, actor and singer winner in 1956 of Canzonissima with the famous Mom and of the Naples Festival 1958 with Vurria together with Aurelio Fierro. Mother Bianca Maria Varriale was also an actressbut abandoned acting in favor of the family. Raised on bread, music and the stageGallo learned from his father – to whom he dedicated his success in an episode of dancing with the Stars – a deep sense of discipline towards a profession considered sacred. And towards which he always shows the same commitment, regardless of the role to be played.

Massimiliano Gallo in «Vincenzo Malinconico – Failed lawyer». (Rai)

The first love, the theater

After his debut in the theater at the age of 5, in 1978 Gallo he is the protagonist of various children’s TV series shot for Rai. After the studies, to trust him is Carlo Croccolo who welcomes him into his Company. In 1988 with his brother Gianfranco he founded the Compagnia Gallo. In 1997, Carlo Giuffré chooses him to play Mario Bertolini in I don’t pay you by Eduardo De Filippo and Nennillo in Christmas at the Cupiello house. In 2003 she sings and dances in Once upon a time … Scugnizzi, musical by Claudio Mattone and Enrico Vaime. With Vincenzo Salemme, on the other hand, he plays in Nice of dad And People want to laugh. Now he is in the theater with Tonight, full stop!reenactment show of the 80s.

The roles in the cinema

With the TV debut in fiction Kefalonia (2005) and in the cinema (in 2009) in Fortapàsc by Marco Risi in the role of the mafia Valentino Gionta, Massimiliano alternates one and the other arriving, in less than 15 years, to collect 20 fiction and 35 films. He is in the cast of Loose cannons And Magnificent presence by Ferzan Özpetek, Kryptonite in the bag by Ivan Cotroneo, For your sake with Valeria Golino, Wave upon wave by Rocco Papaleo, Born in Casal di Principe by Bruno Oliviero and in Pinocchio by Matteo Garrone.

In 2021 Paolo Sorrentino he directed it in the film Leone d’Argento in Venice It was the hand of God. Alessandro Gassmann, on the other hand, in The great silencefilm adaptation of the homonymous theatrical show.

Shalana Santana and Massimiliano Gallo at the Venice Film Festival in 2021. (Getty Images)

From Kefalonia to Imma Tataranni

Vincenzo Malinconico – Failure lawyer of which he is the protagonist is only the last of the many TV characters to whom Gallo has put himself at the service with his usual humility. The very first was Lattanzio in Kefalonia by Riccardo Milani; what Commissioner Luigi Palma brought to light Bastards of Pizzofalcone. Then he arrived Pietro De Ruggerihusband of Imma Tataranni in the homonymous series.

Who is Vanessa Scalera, increasingly popular in the role of Imma Tataranni

Of his gradual, inexorably growing path, Gallo is proud because he never thought of doing anything else in life. “I recorded Gigi Proietti’s radio programs and listened to them dozens of times, until I learned them by heart. Becoming a firefighter or astronaut has never interested me, “he told in an interview with The morning, in 2018. Acting has always been the only way for him, and Melancholy, at the moment, is the goal. A character who knew how to sew himself, also giving him his passion for post-its.

The wife

Gallo shares life with Brazilian model and actress, Shalana Santana. They met in Naples, where Shalana lived with her ex-husband, a Brazilian dentist father of his son Leon. “I invited her for a coffee. It was all very natural, ”said Gallo. Together, they are starring in Tonight, full stop! – had already shared the stage in Resilience 3.0in, 2021.

There is, however, another woman in the life of the actor: her name is Giulia, she is 19, and she is the daughter he had in marriage with Anna, with whom he maintains excellent relations.

