Masks again? Senator provides no meaningful justification

By Gunnar Schupelius

A dangerous situation cannot be proven, the necessary data is missing and there are no measured values. Nevertheless, Health Senator Gote (Greens) wants to reintroduce the mask requirement. That is not justified, says Gunnar Schupelius.

Health Senator Ulrike Gote (Greens) wants to reintroduce the obligation to wear masks indoors that are open to the public, for example in the supermarket, in the cinema or in the opera. Next week she wants the Senate to decide on the new mask requirement.

On Wednesday, she gave the reason for the impending overload of the hospitals. She is currently observing “a very rapid increase in the number of infections in Berlin”.

She observed the situation correctly, but drew the wrong conclusion. It is true that significantly more infections with Covid-19 have been reported for about three weeks than before.

It is wrong to believe that the intensive care units are or will be overloaded because of this.

On October 12, a total of 30 patients with a corona diagnosis were ventilated in an intensive care unit in Berlin. That was less than, for example, June 1 (32) or August 8 (37).

It is well known that the course of a corona disease is now much milder than it was a year ago. Ms. Gothe knows that too, but she still gives the impression that we are in a dramatic situation that makes state intervention necessary.

The Governing Mayor Giffey (SPD) was critical of the new mask requirement on Thursday. It was “a proposal by Senator Gote that was not discussed in the Senate,” she said. For example, the “data basis” is still missing.

That’s the whole point. The senator fired from the hip and failed to back up her request with any arguments. Apparently she didn’t think it was necessary.

What data is missing? Firstly, there is a lack of clarity about the patients in the intensive care units: who is being treated there for corona (primary diagnosis) and who is being treated for another reason but is still infected with corona? (secondary diagnosis)? Both groups are added together, so the authorities do not know how many patients claim an intensive care bed because of corona disease.

Secondly, there is no comparison to influenza: How many severe flu courses are there in relation to severe corona courses? How many intensive care patients with influenza are counted? This data could be used to assess whether corona is currently more dangerous than the flu.

Thirdly, the measured values ​​are missing: Under what circumstances should the mask requirement apply, when should it be lifted again? Gote announced that “the existing practice of the Corona traffic light has not proven its worth”. In this system, the incidence values ​​and the occupancy of the intensive care beds were decisive. The senator does not say exactly what will take its place in the future.

Let’s make it clear: although no dangerous situation can be proven and although she cannot provide the necessary data, the health senator wants to enforce the mask requirement again. That is not justified.

Is Gunnar Schupelius right? Call: 030/2591 73153 or email: [email protected]
