Mascara for sensitive eyes, which formulations to choose

THEn case of sensitive, easily irritated eyes, be careful when choosing mascara daily. In addition to allergies, the use of contact lenses or natural predisposition, even the use of unsuitable or reactive makeup formulations can in fact worsen the sensitivity of very delicate eyes. Here are the best and safe formulas.

Siren Eyes: the eye makeup trend for a more sensual look

Mascara and sensitive eyes: what are the most common disorders

Watering, redness, tingling can be symptoms of sensitive eyes which, when they come into contact with unsuitable make-up formulations, react negatively. Above all, it is obviously that of mascara to have greater impacts given its very close proximity to the pupil.

«Sensitive eyes tend to get red easilythey become red and react quite quickly to the application of make-up” he explains Barbara Spagnolo, scientific responsible pharmacist and CEO of Officina Speziale which continues: «A discomfort that also occurs when you apply unsuitable mascara: tingling, redness and discomfort, in addition to significant tearing, there are signs that the make up product is not well tolerated».

This is why it is important to choose mascara with delicate and clean formulations: «There are formulations highly tolerable, paraben-free. Beauty brands that already specialize in the treatment of sensitive skin usually produce them. Their expertise on sensitive skin also allows them to study makeup formulations suitable for the most delicate eyes.”

Mascara for sensitive, hypoallergenic and hypoallergenic eyes

The first rule for identifying a mascara suitable for sensitive eyes is the short formulation, with few ingredients.

In particular, none of the 26 most at-risk allergens, explains the expert who makes a clarification: «NDon’t confuse the terms hypoallergenic with hypoallergenic: if a mascara is hypoallergenic, which means that it has been formulated to reduce the risk of allergy and to be well toleratedbut it is not a product hypoallergenicthat is, totally free of any potential risk.”

How to reduce any irritation

The basis of any eye irritation is the particular characteristic of the skin of the eyelids: only 0.5 millimeters thick it is therefore very thin and very sensitive. Therefore potentially reactive to contact with substances considered aggressive such as parabens, silicones, lengthening formulations with extension effect.

If all this happens, in addition to taking medications prescribed by your doctor, you can also use some natural topical remedies such as aloe vera-based gel, can also be taken orally, which has a natural soothing, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial action.”

«They are also very suitable castor oil-based make-up removing products, which reduces inflammation and irritation, or with eyebright extracts, with high soothing and decongestant power. Furthermore, it is it is always better to use artificial tears based on high molecular weight hyaluronic acid which help hydrate and soothe the area” explains the pharmacist.

The importance of always removing make-up, especially for sensitive eyes

Carefully remove mascara from sensitive eyes it is essential not only to remove make-up but also to eliminate dust and impurities, which can further sensitize the bulbs.

«To remove make-up It is important to use products designed for eyes and sensitive skinsuch as micellar water or a two-phase make-up remover, always preferring a double cleansing with a second rinse product.”

Furthermore, choose hypoallergenic cotton pads by applying light pressure and with light movements, never rubbing: «Proceed from the outside towards the inside, with circular movements which eliminate make-up and impurities without traumatizing the eyelashes. To conclude the cleansing, you can pass a cotton swab wet with make-up remover along the lash line, to be really precise” concludes the pharmacist.

