Mas flatus in the Galibier and the Colorado angel

Climbing Alpe d’Huez by bike with 27 degrees is not an easy task, especially when a human corridor that stretches over 13.8 kilometers prevents the alpine breeze from passing through, especially in the 21 curves that are now occupied by nationalities: in one there are the supporters of Eintracht Frankfurt, who move around half the world, in the other, the most famous, the dutch, but this year the Danes and Norwegians have also had their turn. And everywhere the beer runs faster from the bottle to the mouth than the speed of Jonas Vingegaard to climb to the top: 39.06 minutes it took.

And among the good rises Enrique More. It is difficult for him to respond quickly to Tadej Pogacar’s outbursts, but he climbs Alpe d’Huez after rediscovering himself and to demonstrate that the enormous crisis in the Galibier it was just temporary. She will not win the Tour-she has not come here for that either-but she awaits her to be a protagonist among the figures of the race, in a place from which she should never have disappeared. It was a pain at the level of the spleen, some horrible punctures, a flatus attack, which left him out of action at the Galibier, on Wednesday, when the Tour was being played. “She was as big a bitch for the Spanish fans as she was for me.” And he was lucky to have Carlos Verona by his side to become his saving angel and at least finish in the top 15. “I am very happy because I have restored confidence to the team and to myself”.

But if this Thursday there was a guardian angel in the race, it was an American from Colorado, whose name is sepp kuss and that he ran the first week of the Tour on his own, because the Jumbo did not want to wear him out so that he would act as a climber and so that he would leave Vingegaardwhen he did not decide to attack, to the very soul of the Alpe d’Huez goal.

From Andorra to Girona

Kuss is a great climber who lives in Andorra and who paid tribute to himself last year when he won the Pyrenean stage of the Tour that ended in the small Pyrenean country. It is common to see him squeezing up Envalira, often with his Dutch partner Robert Gesinkestablished in El Tarter and with his children enrolled in the Andorran school.

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KussAs an anecdote, he even speaks a bit of Catalan and it’s because his girlfriend lives in Girona. Neither short nor lazy many days, to take advantage of the training, I took the bike in Andorra and he went to lands in Girona, let’s go for a walk.

Now he has become the last protector of Vingegaard, and so it will be seen in the Pyrenees. And he will do it ahead of primoz roglic and of a Steven Kruijswijkwhich are never delivered in a team that wants to have everything under control.
