Martín Yeza: “Together for Change is not getting one”

“I see that Juntos por El Cambio is not getting one. There are individualities that are doing well but the group is not working,” said the mayor of Pinamar, Martin Yezawho will leave office in December after two terms, a decision that he hopes will generate echoes in JXC, where the bid for spaces of power was exposed.

“In my case it is an ethical decision, not to present myself again. Cities and projects have to survive the politicians,” said Yeza, who also highlights the case of Rodrigo de Loredo in Córdoba, who declined his candidacy for governor in favor of Luis Juez, and now he will go for the mayor of the capital.

“The changes that are needed in Argentina can be carried out by those who are in Together for Change. It is necessary to see if the order of the factors alters the product,” added the mayor based on the internal between Horacio Rodríguez Larreta and Patricia Bullrichthe two great contenders that the PRO has.

A versus that wears out the image of the coalition in front of an electorate that has specific neglected problems, where inflation and insecurity are at the top of the list. “We have a process of social degradation. The one who had little has nothing and the one who had a little more is about to lose everything,” said Yeza.

“The situation in the province is very delicate. During the 2001 crisis there was no one on the street and last week when the dollar passed $500 I had this same feeling of paralysis“, acknowledges the mayor about the inaction of the policy against that agenda. “It is logical that speeches appear that hatch the system“He added about the growth of Javier Milei, who capitalizes on the anger of the electorate.

And it highlights the need for a paradigm shift. “Your children see that you don’t make ends meet and it is very difficult to tell them that the path of effort is the correct one and on the other side they have the encouragement of the easy path, drug trafficking and plans,” he concluded.

by RN

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