Martín Vizcarra, the “baby fiu fiu” who wants to be president again

Martin Alberto Vizcarra Cornejo (59 years old) became president of Peru in March 2018 after the resignation of Pedro Pablo Kuczynski (PPK) cornered by the corruption investigations that came from the car wash Brazilian and the bribes of the Odebretch company. And he remained in office for two years until November 2020, when Parliament declared his moral incapacity.

Ally of the opposition Keiko Fujimori, Martin Vizcarra except for his permanence at the head of the executive on two occasions. Until he was hacked by a maneuver by the then leader of Congress, Manuel Merinowho took office as interim president, but was forced to resign just five days later, amid a crackdown on protesters, in which two people were killed and hundreds injured.

The 2021 elections would consecrate, after the discredit of traditional politics, an outsider: a teacher from the agrarian province of Chota who became a union leader, Jose Pedro Castillowho today drift from Casa Pizarroseat of the Peruvian government: it has already faced two political trials, and in just one year it has changed its cabinet several times, including six interior ministers.

Climate that enables in Peru the requests for a call for early elections, in which Martin Vizcarra wishes to compete despite being investigated for the case known as “Construction Club”, for which he allegedly received bribes of around $619,000 by two local construction companies when he was governor of the state of Moquegua, between 2011 and 2014.

It is that Vizcarra, also involved in the scandal known as “vacunagate” (a case very similar to the one in Argentina that led to the dismissal of Minister Ginés González García, in which dozens of Peruvian politicians and their families were immunized against Covid-19 before the most vulnerable population), is experiencing unusual popularity after become the protagonist of the viral hit “My baby fiu fiu”.

Martin Vizcarra

“Mi baby fiu fiu”, the theme that is repeated in millions of Instagram and Tik Tok stories, is the work of composer Tito Silva, who based on “stan”the song they made famous Dido and rapper Eminem (in 1999), created a musical parody based on the scandal starring Martin Vizcarra and the former candidate for the Peruvian Congress Zully Pinchi.

Vizcarra and Pinchi were allegedly loverssomething that was uncovered by a Peruvian gossip program that published the chats between the former president and the parliamentarian, in which she referred to him as “my baby and my king”, and also under the affectionate pseudonym of “wow wow”, as the refrain of the popular version repeats, which could become the jingle of a new presidential campaign.

Own Titus Silvawho was intimidated by Eminem and his company to remove the song from Spotify for infringing copyright, he stated that he decided to withdraw the issue of virtual platforms, but that he has been consulted by Vizcarra’s team and his new political group, Peru firstso that the song sounds in the acts of the former president.

Baby fiu fiu

Although the president denies it: “They think it’s our marketing. It is a song that you liked and we do not want to use it in a political angle”, said the former head of state who is on a tour of various regions of the country presenting his proposals for the next elections, if his disqualification from holding any public office is lifted.

Vizcarra insists that his alleged infidelity with Zully Pinchi, to his wife Maribel Díaz, is pure invention, and that the couple’s relationship is intact. “We have been married for 30 years, three years in love. I’ve known her since 1988 (…) Since then we have a spectacular life together. We have four children and two grandchildren,” she remarked.

And he insisted that “Miss Pinchi gave interviews in all the media and, clearly, has denied and rejected. These conversations do not exist.” But Pinchi herself has lent herself to record the song along with the Peruvian comedian Carlos Álvarez, in the program “La Vacuna del Humor” (incarnating Vizcarra with a mask), and the former president smiles when those who receive him in his political appearances sing “My baby fiu fiu”: It happened a few days ago when Vizcarra arrived at a well-known restaurant in Lima, located in the district of La Victoria.

“They wanted to destroy it by taking audios and tricky chats: instead of disappearing it they have done it best known internationally”, celebrates his campaign team who sees behind “the little baby” a rebirth of political career of the deposed president.

by RN

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