Martin Rev (Suicide) concert in Berlin canceled





Martin Rev from Suicide was supposed to play in Berlin on December 7th, 2022 – the concert has now been canceled without replacement. Information on returning and refunding the tickets is given below in the text.

The organizer’s statement

“Dear Martin Rev fans,

unfortunately we have to cancel the appointment on 07.12. in Berlin by Martin Rev without replacement.

Please contact [email protected] directly regarding returns and refunds.

Thanks for your understanding.”

Techno trailblazer and no-wave genius

Together with the late Alan Vega, Rev is considered one of the pioneers of electronic music: As part of the joint band Suicide, the musicians created early forms of techno and no wave between 1970 and 1980 using synthesizers and drum machines.

Rev’s last work “Demolition 9” was released in 2017:




