Martin Hinteregger fallen out of favor with fellow players?

Martin Hinteregger recently celebrated his greatest success with Eintracht Frankfurt. But after winning the Europa League, the defender made plenty of negative headlines. In the meantime, the 29-year-old is said to have lost his credit with parts of the team.

Martin Hinteregger thoroughly enjoyed winning the Europa League. After returning from Seville and the celebrations at the Römer in Frankfurt, the party continued in a pub. The video, which showed him dipping his winning medal into a beer glass, subsequently went viral.

Of course, Hinteregger couldn’t be absent from a fan party last Thursday either. After the long night, however, the Austrian missed a not unimportant appointment for his team the following day: saying goodbye to his teammates on Friday morning. Noisy “picture” Martin Hinteregger was the only Eintracht professional who was missing.

According to the tabloid, the fact that Hinteregger did not say goodbye to his colleagues caused discontent among parts of the team. Some colleagues are now said to be moving away from the defender. Among other things, Hinteregger’s compatriot Stefan Ilsanker was officially adopted by the Hessians last Friday.

Hinteregger also caused unrest with his interview with the Austrian “Kronen-Zeitung”, in which he said that the club “told him between the quarter-final games against Barcelona” that he should be sold to another club in the summer – despite his contract valid until 2024. “A lot fell apart this year,” admitted Hinteregger.

According to “Bild”, the central defender should remain with Eintracht beyond the summer break. Apparently, a clarifying conversation with SGE head coach Oliver Glasner paved the way for this. Both sides are said to have confirmed further cooperation.
