Martijn Krabbé as a midlife DJ causes hilarity: ‘Cultural heritage!’

Martijn Krabbé causes quite a bit of hilarity with his performance in Nicolette van Dam’s brasserie. Many people find the images epic. “This is cultural heritage,” someone even says.

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Erland Galjaard, move over: Martijn Krabbé is now also behind the turntable and is ten times more entertaining. He performed at the anniversary party of Nicolette van Dam’s brasserie and the images (see below) caused quite a bit of hilarity. It seems like an absurd excursion, but this is meant seriously: he is even considering a career change.

Cultural heritage

This is just too funny, says former RTL News journalist Roel Geeraedts. “100% the best on Twitter (called X by some) today,” he wrote.

Volkskrant critic Alex Mazereeuw is ecstatic. “This is cultural heritage. During the day, he’s just Martijn, working with balloons, singers and Bob Six. But when the sun goes down, he’s the one and only DJ Krabs.

His colleague Laurens Verhagen: “This is fascinating. I keep watching, with and without sound. But I cannot yet place this properly, except that it is indeed cultural heritage.”


A certain Mrs. Merel says she has been upset by the images ‘for 24 hours’ and music journalist Atze de Vries notes: “I always confuse Martijn Krabbé and Frank Masmeijer.”

Impossible, a certain Jeroen continues: “Hahaha. You wouldn’t do that in real life, Krabbé is a dwarf. So small that I didn’t recognize it the first time I went to the shop where I worked. He came once a week to get ten grams of hash. Acted almost autistically. Always the same, always appropriate and always whispering without eye contact. Even in an empty case.”


The images:
