Martijn Koning receives criticism from NRC on bashing Eva Jinek: ‘Bizarre!’

Martijn Koning was visited in the theater by a reviewer from NRC Handelsblad and he is not pleased with the passage about Eva Jinek. “He just wants to get his gram!”


It is evident that Martijn Koning has suffered trauma from his media quarrel with Eva Jinek. He talks about it every week. But he also seems to be venting his heart about the issue in the theater and theater critic Jelle Brumsen has seen that. However, he has mixed feelings about that passage.

get grams

Jelle finds it very easy how Martijn rants about Eva. “King’s stand-up comedy style works best when he takes himself only partially seriously. If genuine anger gets the better of a song about his infamous roast from Baudet, it’s a little less interesting,” he writes. in the NRC Handelsblad

The reviewer continues: “King wants to get his act together (not incomprehensible), but without an opponent present and a hall full of audience on his hand, that is not so difficult.”

martin angry

Martijn thinks this is very stupid criticism, he responds in The Knorrepodcast† “I had a review in the NRC. They came to see the Meervaart on Saturday. Four stars, very nice, but at one point it said – and it’s about Jinek: ‘Martijn gets his gram.’ But I don’t really get my gram.”

So what does he do in his theater show? “I’m just talking about what happened that night. That’s what I’m telling you and what its aftermath was. And then he says: ‘But that’s also easy with a room full of fans, without an opponent.’ Then I think: if that is going to become an argument, that the room is full of people who have paid a ticket for me…”

‘Does not make any sense!’

According to Martijn, this criticism is not about anything. “Yeah, if you’re going to let that go on every show now… ‘There is laughter, but there were a lot of fans in the room. It looked like they all paid to see this guy!’”

It is logical that you only have sympathizers in your room, says Martijn. “Yes, there were few opponents, there were few people under duress who did not like Martijn Koning in the room. ‘And you won’t hear it, will you! You don’t hear that side!’”

“I can think about that for another ten years, and then I think: that doesn’t make any sense at all, does it?”


Martijn Koning’s Knorre podcast:
