Martien Meiland not angry with son-in-law after ‘mean’ imitation

Martien Meiland is not angry that his son-in-law Leroy Molkenboer recently imitated him in a very ugly way in Chateau Meiland. “What you deal with, you become infected with.”

© SBS 6

Leroy Molkenboer, the lover of Maxime Meiland, was under fire for the first time a few weeks ago by the viewers of Chateau Meiland. The two were on their way to France in that episode, but Maxime had forgotten the sandwiches at home and Leroy was quite pissed about that. He even started yelling loudly behind the wheel.

Naughty Leroy

When Maxime calls her parents to tell them that they will arrive in France later because they are going to pick up the sandwiches at home first, Martien reacts bewildered. He thinks they could also go get some sandwiches at a gas station, but Leroy doesn’t like that. That, he says, is unbearable.

Moments later, when Martien has hung up the phone, Leroy suddenly starts to assume all very snobby poses. It must represent an imitation of Martien. Heavily unsympathetic, the viewers thought it was. “Did he swallow something or something? Or is he slowly becoming like Martien?”, it sounded.

Martien responds

Martien now responds to that remarkable scene in the Weekend. “I loved it. Girl, we sat with the whole family for the first time at my house in the living room and I thought it was so hilarious in that car. You know, that’s reality, you sometimes have to swear and then it shoots out. Not everyone likes it, of course.”

And what does he think of that imitation? Some viewers shouted that Leroy has started to look a bit like Martien. “Maybe it is a bit like that. What you deal with, you get infected with, they say?”


Does Leroy find it annoying that he was the target of criticism for once? “No. It’s always Maxime otherwise. Montana is always the darling, I sometimes find that weird. But that’s the way it is. Fortunately, Maxime can put it aside.”

All in all, Martien is not angry that Leroy raged at Maxime in that car. “Not at all, that is so recognizable. I have that every day with Honor. And after five minutes it is always good again.”
