KIJK. Kopstuk ‘Mocro-maffia’ gearresteerd in Marbella
The Mocro-Maffia, specialized in hasj trade, had several martelkamers hidden in a luxury villa in Marbella. The rooms are well sealed and equipped with all kinds of furniture. Volgens de politie will de kamers ontdekt tijdens aen drugbestrijdingsactie.
The Mocro-Maffia was also suspected of being moored by the Dutch journalist Peter R. de Vries, in 2021. De Vries was moored in the center of Amsterdam. Hij deed onderzoek according to the criminal organization, which worked with Colombian cartels, from drugs Europe in the voeren via the havens of Antwerp, Rotterdam, Hamburg and Algeciras.
The lugubere ontdekking van de martelkamers comes into the nasleep van dekking van het criminal communicatiessysteem Sky ECC, waar also de Mocro-maffia gebruik van maakte. On March 9, 2021, there will be a million reports on the criminal crypto network Sky ECC. The Kraak will be sent to the sea in dozens of ways to get drugs.
The most important gateway for Morocco is to the European continent and the Schengen area is Spain. The Mocro-Maffia from the Costa del Sol has an overslag plaats for drugs will maken. Volgens de politie will de organisatie de Krachten bundles with Spanish hasjbendes om de Straat van Gibraltar te controleren.
Now in Marbella heeft de Spaanse politie onlangs de Nederlandse drugcrimineel Karim B. aangehouden op verdenking van het witwassen van druggeld. Well, there are other suspects who are suspected.