Marta Rovira and Xavier Trias, article by Joan Tapia

Five years after the Unilateral Declaration of Independence (DUI), the majority independence movement (ERC and JxCat) it tends, beyond words, to admit two things. One, that independence is not viable in the short term. Two that to maintain their implementation they must prioritize the management. What happened these days with Clara Ponsatí and Meritxell Serret indicates that the judicialization of politics continues, but now without the ‘tear’ of 2017. They are stones in the ‘conversion’ to management, but they will not prevent it because it is already impossible (almost ) that neither of them set foot in the prison.

In ERC -dialogue table- is where the ‘conversion’ came to light. And the ‘president’ Aragonès has said that his goal in the short term is agree with the Government of Spain on a referendum with clauses for its validity such as the degree of participation and the number of affirmative votes. summons Montenegro (the yes vote had to reach 55%) and the canadian clarity law. Today this idea has little impact because, apart from the fact that Sánchez does not admit it, he is against, for opposite reasons, the two other two large parliamentary groups, the PSC and JxCat. And the polls, including those of the CEO of the Generalitat, say that independence would lose the referendum. The important thing is that in the short ERC has buried unilateralism and wants to manage Catalonia. In the long run, Keynes said, all dead.

In addition, the ERC general secretary, exiled in Geneva since 2018 and who is part of the tripod that directs the formation (along with Oriol Junqueras and Pere Aragonès) made some statements to Catalunya Ràdio on Saturday that have not been well appreciated. Martha Rovira, which some place in the most radical Republican wing, went further than Aragonès and Junqueras when affirming that, although the 2017 referendum was very relevant because it showed the strength of the independence movement, it did not have sufficient internal legitimacy because the Government did not He knew how to connect him with a part of Catalan society. I assume he meant the metropolitan area. But let your great propagandist say now that he did not have enough internal legitimacy… And he added that it did not have enough international impact either since no country recognized Catalan independence. That is why he advocated “correcting what is convenient & rdquor ;.

Rovira says that the referendum did not have sufficient internal legitimacy and the Trias campaign does not raise the ‘estelada’ but rather seeks a vote against Colau and opens up to various pacts

ERC does not renounce future independence, which continues to be the main motivation for its membership, but admits that short-term independence is impossible and that they must govern well to win more popular support. And it is not easy because they are in the minority (33 deputies out of 135), they have approved the budgets thanks to the PSC and they face urgent and immediate problems such as drought.

It will be objected that this pragmatic -not doctrinal- ‘conversion’ it is only from ERC and that JxCat hoists the legitimacy of ‘president’ Puigdemont. And Josep Rius, an influential Junts leader, immediately replied to Rovira saying that he was doing what the police sent by Rajoy to burst on October 1 failed to do. Ok, but from theory to practice… there is a stretch And Junts and the old CDC -from Jordi Pujol to Puigdemont himself- are supporting the candidacy of Xavier Trias to the mayor of Barcelona. To win Trias he does not raise the ‘estelada’ but the vote against Colau. And to govern the town hall it is said willing to agree with both ERC and the PSC. She has affirmed that she is an independentista, but that he does not believe it to be viable in the short term and that Puigdemont told her that her obligation was to win the elections in Barcelona.

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It’s not theory. The Barcelona Provincial Council, chaired by Nuria Marin, has been governed for years by a PSC-JxCat pact. Puigdemont has the pragmatic side of him, but after the referendum he opted for exile. That is why his landing is more complicated because, unlike Oriol Junqueras, Jordi Turull and Jordi Sànchez, he cannot be pardoned. Or his pardon would be more ‘baroque’. But the Junts and CDC teams, which are secant circumferences, want to govern again. Without obeying ERC and for that reason – they say – they left the Government.

ERC and Junts are fighting for the ‘estelada’, but with their actions they are saying that they are competing to command the Generalitat, the provincial councils and the city councils. The doctrine allows all speeches. Reality forces them, every day a little more, to pragmatism. That’s wrong?
