Mart Smeets lynched at Boulevard desk: ‘Arrogant dog l*l!’

Mart Smeets has been mercilessly attacked at the desk of RTL Boulevard. TV expert Rob Goossens thinks he is an ‘arrogant dog’s bastard’. “Come on, come on!”


Coen Verbraak has interviewed a variety of TV presenters for a TV series about transgressive behavior, including the haughty Mart Smeets. According to Aïcha Marghadi, the former NOS star has behaved transgressively by embarrassing her in front of the entire editorial staff. He himself claims not to know who she is.

‘Not remember’

When Mart is asked about this incident by Coen, he reacts very irritated. “I can’t imagine that that has been said and I think it is a non-topic for this program. Finished. Finished. That you want to continue with that…”

Coen then: “What she says did not happen?”

Mart: “I can’t remember. I can’t imagine saying it a) to a living person and b) certainly not to a woman either.”

‘Quite courteous’

It’s just obvious that Mart isn’t telling the truth; it is very striking that he never denies it outright, but that he just ‘can’t remember’.

Coen to Mart’s comment that he would certainly not say it to a woman: “Oh, that makes a difference?”

Mart: “Yes, I think so, because I am quite courteous to women.”

Arrogant dog l*l

TV expert Rob Goossens reacts unrelentingly after this fragment was shown in RTL Boulevard. “I suddenly wonder: if we swear here, will we get fines?”

Luuk: “You do.”

Rob: “I do? Oh that’s a pity. I just wanted to say what an incredibly arrogant dogfish Mart Smeets is.”

‘Come on!’

Well, that’s a pretty intense swear word. Why does Rob think he’s an arrogant dog? “Because what is still missing here is that he says: ‘Yes, I actually didn’t know who that lady was. I asked my wife about it, she didn’t know her either.’ Well, come on!”

Luuk about the swearing: “One euro in the pot and then it is approved.”


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