‘Mart Hoogkamer is going to cover Spain song by Bassie and Adriaan’ | Stars

The song, which contains the text “in Spain, in Spain, in Spain / in Spain the sun always shines”, comes from 1978. The song was first heard in the TV series The Secret of the Key. In the evergreen, the famous clown and acrobat sing their love for the country on the Mediterranean Sea.

Hoogkamer recently expressed the wish in the NPO program Muziekfeest op het Plein that he would like to give the song a new look. In a conversation on Omroep West, contact was established between Hoogkamer and Bassie & Adriaan earlier this week. “Mart is the same in life as we are,” praises Adriaan the singer. “He wants to bring people a lot of fun.”

It is the intention that Bassie and Adriaan also figure in the video clip of the new version, provided they are physically able to do so. Adriaan is now 79, Bassie is 86. Especially Bas van Toor, as his official name is, has been struggling with poor health for years.
