Mars enters Gemini: the influences on the zodiac signs to prepare. Saturday 20Mars, planet of action, passes from the placid sign of Taurus to the electric sign of Gemini. This is not the usual path. The red planet makes a long stop loop until March 25, 2023. Seven long months.

The constellation of Gemini, from “Atlas Coelestis” by John Flamsteed, star chart published posthumously in 1729 (photo Getty Images).

It is not a negligible time, because the planet of courage will absorb dialectical ability from the sign of Geminiconcentrating energy in words, in dialogue, in negotiations.

The verbal confrontation will become a strength. AND, depending on the sign to which you belong, you will have to evaluate well what will be said. Because the words for the first Air sign matter and are not easily retractable.

The horoscope of summer 2022: the signs that will spark (and those that will have to be satisfied)

Gemini, Libra and Aquarius they are privileged by this transit, they will have clear ideas and effective talking. Aries and Leo they will become adept diplomats at juggling business conferences, oral exams or legal disputes, even managing real estate purchases.

More tiring for Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces. Mars in quadrature will make you distracted, nervous and irritable, led to overdoing it by tripping over the gaffe. Because the energy that is created could cause verbal aggression that escaped impetuously. The other signs? I’m out of the communicative storm of Mars.

A recommendation for the sign of Gemini that from next Saturday he will feel like a superhero: he will have to learn to catch his breath. And to count to ten between one decision and another.

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