Married without air, by Joan Tapia

Can anyone imagine, after what has happened in the last few days, a control session of Congress with Pablo Casado as the graceful leader of the opposition? Let’s not say a debate on the state of the nation if Pedro Sánchez called it before July, the date scheduled for the ordinary congress of the PP.

Aznar said last week that the PP crisis was worse than the one in Ukraine because there were nuclear weapons. Certain. The president of Madrid affirmed nothing less than that she had been spied on and blackmailed by the leadership of the PP. And from Genoa they replied that Isabel Díaz Ayuso had not clarified signs of favoritism and even shadows of corruption. If the missiles continued, the entire PP could be destroyed.

But already the first loser has been Married because its initial strength was inferior. Casado had just seen the operation of Castilla y León fail, with which he intended to give a triumphant and simultaneous kick to both Pedro Sánchez and Isabel Díaz Ayuso. On the contrary, Ayuso embodies the landslide victory of the PP against Sánchez and Pablo Iglesias in the Madrid elections in May. AND a party always admires the winners more. In addition, the controversial style of Isabel Díaz Ayuso is more direct and fresh than the always somewhat arrogant of the apparatus.

That’s why already on Friday lhe territorial barons of the PP, alarmed by the scandal, Casado was warned to restore peace to a traumatized party. Thus, Genoa did not dare to continue the war and had to backtrack the same Saturday in the sanctioning file against Ayuso that could even expel her from the game. But the president of Madrid, in a position of strength, did not withdraw the accusation of espionage and received the support of a protest demonstration against Casado at the same headquarters in Genoa. The entire image of the PP was fraying and the barons could not allow the show in Madrid to continue while the complicated situation in Castilla y León was pending resolution and the relevant Andalusian elections had to be faced. And less with Vox on the rise in all the polls and making it easier for the differences between the PSOE and Podemos to go into the background.

in the end it has been Nuñez Feijóo, with the moral authority that his four absolute majorities in Galicia give him, the one who, with the support of other barons with command in the square such as the Andalusian Moreno Bonilla, Fernández Mañueco and Díaz Ayuso herself (who has hastened to affirm that she does not aspire to the presidency of the national PP) has warned Casado that the only solution was to convene an extraordinary congress as quickly as possible that would allow the PP to be removed from the difficult situation to which the war between Casado and Ayuso had led it. And Nuñez Feijóo, a pragmatic and moderate conservative, thus seems to open the door to, if he receives sufficient support, assuming the leadership of the Spanish center-right. Many already saw in Feijóo the best candidate to succeed Rajoy in 2018. So he did not decide and now he would assume a difficult role because he is not a deputy in Congress.

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But let’s not rush. The crisis is far from being resolved. Pablo Casado and García Egea still resisted yesterday -in a stormy meeting of their board- to accept the reality of the failure of its management. But Casado has already lost. He has copied the order and control of Aznar without being Aznar. And he has even ignored that Aznar negotiated a lot (with the unions and even with the nationalists Pujol and Arzalluz) until his absolute majority in 2000. And that was when he began to lose.
