Married at First Sight 8: previews of the third episode

Dafter the wedding, for the six protagonists of Marriage at first sight 8 – broadcast with the third episode tonight at 9.20pm on Real Time – The long-awaited moment has arrived of the honeymoon. Where they finally can get to know each other better and, why not, let yourself go to passion. Will they succeed?

Married at first sight 8: previews of the third episode

After the “blindfolded” ceremony in which the couples first promised each other eternal love and then exchanged first impressions, it is time for the newlyweds to leave. The honeymoon, as we know, is the real test for the newlyweds. And the anticipation is rightly sky-high.

The first to leave, heading towards Mexico City, are Valentina and Alessandro, perhaps the least “promising” couple of this edition given the first differences that emerged during the post-wedding celebrations. Juanchi and Gianna on the other hand can’t wait to go to the Dominican Republic, the groom’s homeland. Finally for Alberto and Sonia the destination is Madagascar.

Alessandro and Valentina

He is very introspective, she is exuberant, the Lombard couple does not seem, at least for now, the ones on which to bet the winning card. Although in the past the dating show has shown that anything is possible.

And indeed, the day after the first night in Mexico City – with a bad air of crisis – seems to confirm the sensation. The reason? Valentina called me a “tamarro” the night before in the style of Alexander. Who, withdrawing into himself, begins to wonder if without the experts to match them she would have noticed him.

Alessandro and Valentina at “Married at First Sight 8”. (Real Time)

However Alessandro certainly doesn’t limit himself to cashing in. And he confides to her that if there wasn’t a plan between them he probably would have already taken a different path. Detail that increases tension. Fortunately they can count on a good level of communication, an element that smooths out the fracture to a certain degree of stability. To the point that the boy begins to talk to her about a very dark period in his life, when, after nine years of relationship, his ex cheated on him. But the confidences are not enough to sweep away all his doubts. In fact he declares to the authors that «I’m still torn whether to give up or not».

Alberto and Sonia

Those who already seem to be flying on the wings of love are the couple formed by the deejay/osteopath and the designer. Arrived in Madagascar, they get closer and closer and let themselves go to passion. «We spent a very intense night, let’s say so», the boy confides to the cameras with a smile, suggesting that passion – fra swimming in the pool and walking – it’s sky high. Sonia confides to her husband that there are many things about Alberto that have bewitched her and they would both like to have two children: two, to be precise.

Although Alberto’s second job as a deejay does not leave her “peaceful” due to the clichés linked to the profession, he reassures her by telling her that not all deejays are necessarily womanizers. The boy then, speaking with the authors, says that the strong interest in Sonia is certainly reciprocated. But it’s too early to declare total love, it’s still there the real test of the program: living together after the end of the honeymoon.

Alberto and Sonia at “Married at First Sight 8”. (Real Time)

Juanchi and Gianna

After the mutual enthusiasm for the princely wedding, the two Venetians reach Santo Domingo with the best expectations. But, as already highlighted in the last episode, Gianna she is certainly not the most conciliatory of wives. In fact, he seems to reject with annoyance every romantic gesture from Juanchi while he he pokes harshly about constantly taking selfies and spending too much time in the bathroom making himself look good. Disturbed by this intolerance, the husband withdraws into himself a bit.

Now other bad moods arise, this time due to his refusal to go to his country of origin for fear of seeing it change too much compared to his childhood memories. A decision that Gianna does not welcome well, without even an effort of empathy. However, once the hesitation is overcome, once we arrive in the Dominican Republic, an almost moment occurs cringecertainly new for the program: Juanchi decides to go out alone and do some nightlife, leaving Gianna in the hotel to sleep. A choice that astounds even the sexologist Nada Loffredi. What will happen when he returns to the room?

