Married at first sight 8: previews of the special And then

Dfter the record numbers of this eighth edition, tonight at 9.20pm up Real Timethere is the unmissable event of every season of Marriage at first sightthat is, the episode And then.... Where we will find out the destinies of the three couples who participated this year. What happened to them? Did they stay together or not?

Married at first sight 8: the special And then…

In the last episode the three couples they communicated theirs final choice. Sonia and Alberto and Alessandro and Valentina they expressed their mutual desire to continue to stay married. Nothing to do, however, for Juanchi and Gianna who, as expected, chose to divorce after a disastrous cohabitation, to say the least. Now, a few months later, the newlyweds return again before the experts to tell how it went away from the cameras. And there was no shortage of surprises.

Juanchi and Gianna

After the dramatic breakup last week, where the two dismissed the three experts without even saying goodbye, the Venetian couple returns in front of Nada Loffredi, Mario and Abis e Andrea Favaretto to tell what happened in the following months. And, you could bet, the two confirm their desire to end their marriage. Gianna isn’t even interested in trying to have a friendshipunlike her ex-husband who would like to see her again but strictly together with the other couples.

Juanchi and Gianna. to “Married at First Sight 8” (Real Time)

In trying to explain the failure of their union, Juanchi he once again proves capricious and immature. And, as Favaretto points out, «You don’t listen to understand but only to respond», underlining how the boy plays the role of the victim a little too much. Juanchi tries to defend himself but he is also rebuked by Alessandro, who defines speeches without rhyme or reason as “super bullshit”. of the Dominican. A bitter ending therefore for a couple who, starting from the wedding, promised really well.

Sonia and Alberto

For the couple formed by the designer and the DJ/osteopath there was no shortage of problems. In fact, as the boy states, a few weeks after the final choice Sonia began to pressure him too much about a transfer to her Faenza. Pushing him to find a job and even organizing remote interviews. An excessive concern which Alberto did not like at all and which caused several disagreements.

Sonia and Alberto at “Married at First Sight 8”. (Real Time)

Sonia tries to defend herself, stating that she only wanted to support her husband, but then he blurts out when Alberto brings up the dog story. In fact, the boy, still talking about the transfer, talks about having pointed out to Sonia that she would have to take care of the animal when he was out for work. Request that the Romagna woman rejects to the sender since she didn’t choose to have a dog at home.

But, despite the arguments and long faces, the boys confirm to the experts that they are still together, happier than ever. «We’ll fight each other, yes, but we are always very much in love» declares Sonia and when asked about their future plans, the two are not thinking about expanding their family for the moment. «But we are looking for a house with a garden where my dog ​​can play» states Alberto, holding the hand of his beautiful and happy wife.

Alessandro and Valentina

The one who will leave everyone stunned will be the couple formed by the two from Lombardy. In fact, during the final choice the two had enthusiastically declared that they wanted to continue the experiment but then something went wrong. In fact, Valentina, who cannot hold back her tears, declares that for a while the coexistence continued well but Alessandro decided to move away. A decision that greatly shocked the girl, who was instead determined to continue the experiment away from the cameras.

Alessandro and Valentina at “Married at First Sight 8”. (Real Time)

Alessandro defends himself by saying that he wanted to test his wife’s real feelings, guilty (according to him) of never making him feel desired. After a few weeks of “long distance” marriage, it is the boy who makes the decision to end their union. Questioned by the three experts, Valentina tells all her pain and the strength of the feeling she feels for her husband but then states that perhaps, at this moment, doesn’t want (or isn’t ready) for a relationship.

Mario Abis is not of the same opinion who invites her not to be so peremptory given that it is clear how attached she still is to Alessandro. For her part, the boy declares himself amazed of his wife’s statements and it seems to have happened almost regretting his decision. And who knows if this couple will give us more surprises in the future.
