Married at First Sight 8: previews of the seventh episode

Mvery little left until the end of the eighth season of Marriage at first sighton air every Wednesday at 9.20pm on Real Time. While waiting for the finale where the couples will decide whether to divorce or stay married, this evening it is time to find out how the cohabitation is progressing.

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After the reunion in the resort and a few days after the meeting with the experts, the three couples from TV’s most loved dating show return to their respective lives. It’s time to take stock: that is, whether to continue the experiment away from the cameras or divorce. Meanwhile, the sentimental situation seems positive for everyone, even for Juanchi and Gianna, on whom some hope has arisen (we’ll see).

Married at first sight 8the previews of the seventh episode

Sonia and Alberto

The story between “Faenza” and “Novate Milanese” continues very well. To the point that, taken by enthusiasm, the two decide to get a couple tattoo. The chosen word is “colour”, and Sonia explains the reason for this curious decision: «I inadvertently said “colour” instead of “love” and since then we have always played on this slip of the tongue». In Alberto’s parents’ house – where they decided to retire as their first stop – harmony reigns, as well as when they move to Faenza – to spend a while with her father. But the terrible surprise of the flood in Romagna awaits them.

The program was in fact recorded last May, right during the days of the natural disaster. Sonia and Alberto thus find themselves facing the tragic event barricading themselves in the house. They then discover themselves increasingly united, starting to plan a future together. An agreement also communicated to the family: Sonia declares to her mother, during dinner, that she is almost certain of the love she feels for Alberto. Which the blond osteopath reciprocates with enthusiasm. In short, with the final choice now imminent, the (happy) fate of the two seems already written.

Sonia and Alberto at “Married at First Sight 8”. (Real Time)

Alessandro and Valentina

They started off badly and then made up ground in the following weeks, the Lombards are still the most uncertain couple of this edition. They are very similar and the understanding is always excellent, but Valentina doesn’t think it’s enough. At the beginning of the episode we see them getting along well; Alessandro, in his Milanese home and always more at ease than him, he confides to his wife that he received a call from his ex-wifewho was critical of her ex’s choice to participate in the program. Valentina appreciates her husband’s transparency, but what holds her back is the “insurmountable” obstacle that Alessandro is not his prototype of a man.

Nada Loffredi invites her to reflect on difference between emotion and feeling. In fact, the psychologist explains to Valentina that the butterflies in the stomach, or the emotion, are not there conditio sine qua non to fall in love – yet Sonia continues to remain perplexed. She confides everything to Alessandro who, obviously, doesn’t take it welland then declared to the authors «I feel like shit, I’m making him suffer».

Alessandro and Valentina at “Married at First Sight 8”. (Real Time)

Juanchi and Gianna

A real disaster. After the illusion, in the last episode, of a possible new beginning for the two Venetians, now the word “end” seems definitively written. But let’s go in order. Gianna, for the first time, goes to the town of Montebelluna where Juanchi lives, and in the evening, in front of the boy’s family photos, the usual interrogation begins in the hope that the Dominican will confide in him on his most intimate emotions. But Juanchi maintains absolute confidentiality.

Gianna and Juanchi at “Married at First Sight 8”. (Real Time)

When days later he joins her at home, she tells him that – since their relationship never took off – he no longer intends to sleep in the same bed. Juanchi’s anger then explodes and he leaves without even a greeting. They see each other again in front of Andrea Favaretto, invited to discuss.

If at the beginning Juanchi doesn’t say a word, after listening to his wife’s point of view he decides to have his say, blaming her for all the problems faced during the experiment. Gianna collects, but, through tears, she confides to the authors that «He wants to appear as the victim when in reality it is quite the opposite»; and the two leave Favaretto’s studio without even looking at each other. It therefore seems obvious that, at this point, next Wednesday, none of them will be willing to continue the marriage.

