Marriage is and remains something special

Around every third marriage in Germany ends in divorce - even among older people

Around every third marriage in Germany ends in divorce – even among older people Photo: picture alliance / Westend61 / BZ photomontage

By Larissa Hoppe

What is striking in Berlin and Brandenburg: More and more long-term marriages are breaking up. A comment from Larissa Hoppe, deputy BZ editor-in-chief.

The marriage. About one in three people get divorced again, and I personally know enough examples from my friends where the “until death do us part” didn’t work out.

Yet. Solemnly promising each other eternal love – I like this idea. Of course, you can do that without a marriage certificate and all the fuss. But marriage doesn’t just mean great feelings, it also means taking legal responsibility for each other. The bond inevitably becomes a little tighter. This needs to be very carefully considered.

Why marriage hasn’t been an issue for me up to this point? Because there simply wasn’t the right person there. If there is even a shred of doubt about love, it is better not to get married.

It is all the better that many couples dare to take this big step despite some divorces. And if this connection lasts.

Marriage is and remains something special. A successful one, probably even more so.


Marriage Marriage Wedding Divorce
