Marriage in 2023, the editorial by Danda Santini

cThing I wouldn’t do again at my wedding? Choose a knee-length dress with flat shoes: I really looked like a cross between a confirmation candidate and an elf, looking back at the photos today. And maybe dancers even on that day, with everyone at least a head above me, wasn’t a great idea. Now I’d go for a mid-calf dress inspired by the 1920ssoft and light, with a pair of spool heels, a bit like Mia Farrow’s Zelda in the Great Gatsby, even if I realize that these are choices you can only make at a certain age.

Danda Santini director of “iO Donna” (photo by Carlo Furgeri Gilbert).

Without a veil, like then: it’s not my thing. Short bob hair: I would do it again, but I would notify the hairdresser. Mine was offended because I had gone to check them the day before, without telling him anything, and he loved “doing” brides. No make-up and just a little tan: I’d do it again, I know girls who grew up on make-up tutorials wouldn’t approve, but I still recognize myself in the sporty mood.

I don’t know if I would repeat the menu, as I haven’t tasted anythingbut I would certainly do the classic three-tier cake, pure white with a newlywed couple on top, the one the maître d didn’t want because he found it kitsch and claimed that the icing was inedible (he was right, but it was a purely scenographic choice ).

Wedding list: I would do it again, because getting married and setting up a house (even for those who have been living together for some time) is a commitment and being supported by friends and relatives is a sign of affection. However: fewer beautiful services and more designer lamps, because conviviality today is informal but a Made in Italy touch changes even the most spartan two-room apartment.

Magical and distant honeymoon: redothe. He remains in the annals and whoever postpones him deprives himself of the pleasure of a dream rest after so much stress. Of course I wouldn’t do the classic 80s wedding of the time, but I would be inspired by today’s style to which this issue of iO Donna is dedicated: more partying and less ceremony, more friends and fewer distant relatives, fewer rules and more fun, less formalities and more privacy. I would like nice colleagues and childhood friends that like in the movie My best friend’s Wedding they take the microphone and light up their smiles, I’d like to dance a lot (but without changing clothes) and see everyone dance, I’d like a strictly 80s soundtrack, super dance, the kind that as soon as you hear the first note start you can’t help but throw yourself.

I would like a marriage where there are many children who run around, mess up and then go to bed early, someone falls in love, the grandmothers have wet eyes, the great grandmothers are elegant and pampered and the mother of the bride is radiant. Where dads fool around and go back to dancing even if they’ve never learned, but that night yes, they take her daughter in her arms and give her at least one tour, in full view of all. And the husband? That, in the end, is the only choice that matters. I would do it again, I would do it again.

