Marriage at first sight: the previews of the seventh episode

Lat the end of the fifth season of Marriage at first sight is now close. Meanwhile tonight at 9.15 pm on Real Time the three couples – as per the tradition of the program – to take stock.

If for two couples the reunion is simply a confirmation to increasingly important feelings, however Mattia and Cristina seems to be the definitive proof that, despite a good understanding, there can be no future for them. How will it end?

Marriage at first sight: the previews of the seventh episode

Giorgia and Gianluca

After the heavy quarrel of the last episode, the Piedmontese couple is more united than ever. And to cement the bond they decide to meet the life coach Andrea Favaretto, that assign a task to each.

Gianluca has to search a meeting point with his wife without giving up his personality; Giorgia must write on a white sheet that will then burn what he wants to let go of the “old” self. Arrived at Ruffino resortthe benefits of these rituals are clearly seen: Giorgia and Gianluca are actually even more aware of their understanding.

Mattia and Cristina

Despite the good feeling and a good physical harmony, for the newlyweds it is difficult to believe in the success of the experiment. They don’t deny that they love each other but it seems like they do something blocks both of them from truly letting go.

Cristina confides to her best friend that, during the cruise, she did not miss her husband; while Mattia is perhaps still too fearful of discovering the real feelings of the new bride.

In staying at the resort however relationships seem to be improving, and all thanks to Giorgia. Which, prompting them to reflect well on the waste of potential of their union, pushes them to move on a weekend in Siena. How will it end?

Marriage at first sight Previews of the seventh episode

Antonio and Giorgia

After the pleasant moments spent in Puglia, due to work reasons they separate for a week. And everything gives way because Giorgia feels and does not miss Antonio, who rightly ask about the meaning of the relationship, and the potential it has.

Marriage at first sight Previews of the seventh Real Time episode

In Rome, where they meet, things take on a different dimension instead. Will it be the charm of the city or who knows what, but Giorgia begins to feel and believe in her feelings. The complicity of the couple also increases, with jokes and laughter.

So much so that, achieved the other couples at the resortin front of the images of the wedding album they realize that maybe it’s time to try seriously to make things work.

