Marriage at first sight 7: the previews of the sixth episode

Sti near the conclusion of Marriage at first sight 7. Meanwhile, in view of the final choices of the couples, tonight at 21.20 on Real Time we will find out if Matthias and Julia they decided to give a second chance to their complicated union.

Marriage at first sight 7: the previews of the sixth episode

For the three couples now it’s time to test coexistence. Except for Irene and Matteo, the most “promising” newlyweds of this seventh edition of the dating show, things are not going very well for the rest of the newlyweds.

After one last dip in the Red Sea, the awaited test bench also arrives for Gennaro and Simona, with the beautiful Tuscan perhaps finally willing to leave the misunderstandings behind. It will be the same for Giulia after the fierce discussion had with Matthias?

Simona and Gennaro. (real-time)

Laughter and fun between Gennaro and Simona

For the couple the honeymoon did not go as expected, especially from the handsome footman, unable to find a key to charm his bride.

Together again, this time at his home in Reggio Emilia, the two have a telephone conversation with Andrea Favarettowho proposes something to unblock the situation a bit.

Thus Favaretto sets out the rules of a game called “Live a day as a king and queen”, i.e. for 24 hours both spouses must blindly obey to the will of the other. «It scares me a little but I accept» says Simona right away, immediately placed “at service” in the kitchen by her king.

Except that, after not even half a day, Gennaro returns to the office again on their sentimental situation, not realizing what he was long time friendzoned: «Do you still hope for our evolution?», Simona replies unequivocally.

A trip to Naples for Irene and Matteo

The music of the Milanese couple is completely different. More and more in love and accomplicesthe two leave for Irene’s hometown for the family presentations. But first it escapes us a romantic walk through the Spanish Quarters and a round of tastings.

Irene gathers her closest relatives, including the aunt who raised her, for an aperitif, and Matteo proves loose and easygoing. «I find Irene happy, involved and that’s what matters most» says Aunt Tania moved.

Upon returning to Milan, for the couple it’s time for important confidencesthe. In fact they both had a somewhat troubled childhood – have lost a parent when they were young e the shared pain seems to unite them even more.

Giulia and Mattia already at the end of the line?

After the heavy quarrel of the past few days, for the two Piedmontese it’s time for serious reflections on their future. And, more and more disconsolate, the boy asks the expert for help Nada Loffredi to try to decipher the fluctuating behavior of the new bride.

The psychologist accepts and, during a video call, Giulia finally admits that «It’s not true that I don’t like physical contact, I simply there was no attraction whatsoever in his regards”.

After a chat with Nada, who tells him Giulia’s confidences, Mattia finally has a clearer picture of the situation but he doesn’t seem to give up yet.

For this reason, the boy decides to go all out and ask for support from Andrea Favaretto. Who proposes to the two boys to pass a weekend camping together to try to start from scratch. Giulia is hesitant but lets herself be convinced and, despite the rain and a few too many whims, the blonde looks look at her husband with different eyes.

In fact, the understanding between the two seems excellent and Mattia begins to think that maybe something important can really happen with his wife. Illusion or reality? See you next week to find out.

