Marriage at first sight 7: previews of the last episode

mat first sight it couldn’t last forever. Buttonight at 21.20 on real-timethere is the unmissable appointment of each season, that is the episode “…And then”: revelation of the destinies of the couples. What happened to them? Did they stick together or not, or something else?

Marriage at first sight 7: the special “…And then”

Last episode the three couples they communicated theirs final choice. Only Irene and Matthew they expressed a mutual wish to continue to stay married.

Nothing to do, however, for the good Gennaro who, until the end, hoped for the capitulation of Simona, while the happy ending between Giulia and Mattia it had already been discounted for two episodes, with the two happily united even before meeting Mario Abis, Andrea Favaretto and Nada Loffredi.

Now, a few months later, the bride and groom return to the experts again to tell how it went away from the cameras.

The relationship between Simona and Gennaro

Incompatible from the first momentsthe couple formed by the waiter and the beautiful entrepreneur from Viareggio in the last episode communicated to the experts their desire to divorce. Choice certainly not shared by Gennaro which, as we know, tried them all to win his bride. Adamant about keeping at a distance the husband.

Instead, in the following months, it is discovered that Simona has maintained a pleasant friendship with Gennaro. So much so that he chose to pass holidays right in Viareggio, where do you live. Always hoping to bring the relationship to another level, conquering her definitively.

Gennaro and Simona. (real-time)

Sure, Simona’s words are stabbed. «I didn’t agree but in the end I gave in – he says. But then, on my brother’s birthday, everyone pointed out to me that Gennaro he looked at me with loving eyes and he was sad because I didn’t spend much time with him. If indeed he is in love, I’m sorry but it is a road on which he travels alone.’

And directly to Gennaro: «You also humble yourself and I say this because I love you». What can I say, let’s hope that the waiter falls out of love as soon as possible.

The frost between Mattia and Giulia

The Piedmontese have been the most tragicomic couple of the entire edition Of Marriage at first sight. He is concrete and profound, she is frivolous and fickle, it is not explained how the experts could have put them together.

We find them again after the communication of the final choice made almost without addressing a word very little changed «We have neither seen nor heard from each other», says Mattia, who then adds a load of ninety: “I understood very quickly that with someone like Giulia I wouldn’t have spent more than one evening together”.

Julia and Matthias. (real-time)

Julia is silent and she almost looks scared. Just when the experts show some videos of her couple journey, she suddenly breaks the silence by stating: «I don’t recognize myself in the Giulia of the movies, I disgust myself».

Harsh words that make experts understand that perhaps he is realizing of his problems that have invalidated his experience, even if it would be more correct to say «whims». He then says that he has learned from his mistakes and that she feels changed. And one can only wish her the best.

The happy ending between Irene and Matteo

Accomplice and close-knit couple the one formed by the two Milanese. Which, unsurprisingly, they agreed to stay married. However, Irene tells the experts that, a few weeks before the end of the experiment, Matteo went into crisis.

In fact, the young banker was somewhat affected by the change of pace. “I began to wonder”If I had met Irene in a bar, would I still have noticed her?” and I tormented myself with this thought».

Matthew and Irene. (real-time)

Luckily, thanks to his wife’s patience, the crisis has subsided and the couple slowly managed to overcome all the obstacles. Irene and Matteo also trust that have not yet managed to say “I love you”, but that they are certainly on the right track. Among their projects, then, that of create a family becomes.

A nice happy ending that warms the heart of the other adventure companions too, despite a slight sense of envy is perceptible in Giulia and Simona about how things turned out for the friend.

Looking forward to the next edition, it will finally also be possible to sift through the social networks of the six competitors given that, by contract, they have the obligation to suspend them until the end of the transmission. Good luck to all!

