Marriage at first sight 6, sixth episode previews |iO Donna

TO Marriage at first sight 6tonight at 21.20 on real-time – it’s time for coexistence, reunion, heated confrontations between spouses and meetings with experts. There sixth episode score a game changer for couples still protagonists of the experiment, and also creates a precedent for future editions.

Marriage at first sight 6sixth episode: Michela’s doubts about Alex

Say hello Carolina and Lucas, expelled because of the real reason why the art expert decided to participate (the visibility), for Alex and Michela and Michele and Solange the journey continues. The coexistence began a few days ago and the spouses are taking measures with the new dimension. In Rome, Alex and Michela prepare to separate for a couple of days. Michela has to go to Dubai for a business conference and the distance serves as a litmus test to understand if they will miss each other.

In this regard, it is she who realizes that, after all, the time spent away from her husband has not created great inconvenience for her. Perhaps the doubts about a possible future together with Alex dissolve without the need for further questions. However, the experiment is still ongoing and is still a few days away from definitive choice.

Solange and Michele overcome the first crisis

Until now, their relationship is based on laughter, a fundamental ingredient of any self-respecting relationship, but not sufficient. Michela perseveres in underlining the differences in a sort of constant confrontation between Northern Rome and Southern Rome. On the one hand, she seems to do it because she really does not consider it up to her. On the other hand, her own emerges at times fear of external judgement. Unfortunately, what you really feel remains a mystery. It should be noted, however, that in the previous episode Michela lost her faith…

A little further north, however, between Nova Milanese and Turin, Michele and Solange they seem to abandon for a moment the little cloud they have been living on since their wedding day. Previously, they dealt with some communication problems, which seemed to be solved. So it was not and now they ask for the intervention of one of the three experts.

Veronica Solange, among the protagonists of “Marriage at first sight 6”. (Discovery)

Beyond the momentary misunderstandings, they are the most apt and tested pair of Marriage at first sight 6 Italy. Since the first meeting, they have given the idea of ​​the perfect match and once again they manage to overcome the obstacle thanks to dialogue and trust. The icing on the cake comes with a lunch at Michele’s parents’ house.

Solange: «Michele is my place in the world»

Even before the wife meets the in-laws, the personal trainer lets himself go to some reflections. Referring to Solange, he confides the authors to imagine of «to go on many trips, to see many places, to have fun together». Then speaking of the relationship they are building, he adds: «Every day a little piece of us emerges. I like her regardless. I like her with her fears, with her weaknesses, with her moments of madness. Anything, why I think love can only be felt when you accept everything about a person».

Carolina, among the protagonists of “Marriage at first sight 6”. (Discovery)

A beautiful declaration of intent and complicity. “It is premature to say that I am falling in love”, she underlines, but points out: “I am on that path and I am certainly experiencing the same sensations that led me to fall in love in life”. “It’s nice to wake up in the morning and see his face. It’s my place in the world right now,” confesses Solange. In short, if they are roses they will flourish, but it is increasingly evident that the experts have done an excellent job.

Marriage at first sight 6the expulsion of Carolina and Lucas sets a precedent

Returning to the episode aired tonight, couples meet for a reunion. The aim is to confront each other and perhaps find answers to your questions. On this occasion, they are made aware of theexpulsion of Carolina and Lucaswho write to them two letters. The reported versions are diametrically opposedbut the four spouses believe in unison to that of Carolina.

The expulsion of the spouses creates a precedent in the history of the program. In 9 editions – three on Sky Uno and six on Real Time – it had never happened that the authors decided to eliminate competitors. In the years more than one participant raised doubts about the actual willingness to commit.

However, no one had ever had the audacity to openly admit it and claim to be right. Lucas did it, convinced that Carolina would agree to play the game basically as a favor. The wife, on the other hand, put an end to the staging, obtaining a fair amount of as a reward insults by the prospective spouse.

Not exactly a nice way to start a stable relationship or to build a relationship of mutual trust and respect. This will certainly have repercussions on the programme. For the future, the experts will have to evaluate the participants even more carefully, in order to avoid similar incidents along the way. The latter, on the other hand, will be called to put their skeletons well in the closet, in order to avoid embarrassment.

