Marotta: “Scudetto? Head to the Coppa Italia first, we want to collect something and … “

Inter’s CEO Beppe Marotta spoke to DAZN’s microphones about the Italian Cup final against Juventus

Speaking on DAZN’s microphones, Inter CEO Beppe Marotta spoke about the Italian Cup final against Juventus as follows:

“It is certainly an important scenario and stage, the trophy has long been missing from the club’s bulletin board. the derby of Italy, the most important one “.

Does the head also go to the Scudetto?

“It is normal, this week we are playing for important goals, which represent above all a season devoted to the sacrifice of the whole environment. We want to collect something, it is equally important to know that Wednesday is the first goal to reach, and therefore we concentrate on this. From Thursday we will see what to do. Zero distractions, it’s nice to have this kind of pressure for those who play sports, to have more goals at the same time. “
