Market values ​​Bosnia: Double winner Zrinjski Mostar back on top

Double winner increases by 27%

After the end of the season, Transfermarkt subjected the market values ​​of the Bosnian Premier League to a comprehensive update. Double winner HSK Zrinjski Mostar regained the top position in the squad value ranking that it lost to FK Sarajevo at the beginning of 2023. The record champions increased by 27 percent to 8.1 million euros, while Sarajevo jumped only slightly to 7.3 million.

The fact that Sarajevo still has a small plus despite finishing fourth is mainly due to Dal Varesanovic (22). Born in Vienna, he was voted U21 player of the season and recently received his first invitation to the Bosnian national team. The offensive man is the biggest winner of the update with a revaluation of 550,000 euros and next to Mario Cuze (24) from Zrinjski Mostar, who rose by 300,000 euros, is now the most valuable player in the Premier League with one million euros.

The biggest minus, on the other hand, is recorded by Fran Vukelic (21). After moving from NK Kustosija Zagreb to NK Siroki Brijeg in January, the Croatian offensive player only made three short appearances and is again significantly devalued: from 500,000 to 200,000 euros.

This is how the Transfermarkt market values ​​work

The Transfermarkt market values ​​are created taking into account various pricing models and a strong involvement of the Transfermarkt community, which deals with the values ​​in detailed discussions. The transfer market market values ​​are not to be equated with the transfer fees actually paid.

The goal is not to predict a price, but an expected value. When determining the market value, both individual transfer modalities and situational framework conditions are relevant to a certain extent. Examples of this are listed here. Transfermarkt does not use an algorithm (for detailed market value definition).

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